Phil didn’t get to sharing his intel until 45 minutes in.
- An event will happen soon in which the fake Biden’s candidacy will be shot down. He won’t even be the democratic nominee. Phil won’t say why yet.
- “I know for a fact that there will be a solution before we get to that point.” Speaking of the 2024 election.
- Polls are crap.
- There will be an election, but it won’t be in November of 2024, and it won’t be the kind of election we’ve had before. “Election” needs to be re-defined. We may not ever go back to that old way again.
- The White Hats have been working on a different system altogether, which changes everything about voting 100%. “It’s completely and utterly secure beyond belief.”
- First comes the announcement that Biden won’t be on the ballot, and people will be shocked by the reason. After that, it will become clear just how the next POTUS will get to be POTUS.
- The indictments of Trump have all been on purpose and to our benefit, set up by the White Hats. Everything that we’re seeing right now, we’re meant to see.
- Phil points out all the victories of late, and then says, “…not the one we’re looking for, but it’s coming.”
- The beauty of the indictments is that Trump gets to prove election fraud in court. Because of all the things that will become public and irrefutable knowledge as a result of these trials, a lot of things are going to be happening at once.
- Phil thinks that when that’s all going on, and we see the Plan coming to fruition, we’ll all feel that it was worth it…whatever we’d been through. Celebrations are coming. Vindication is coming.
- There will be absolutely no way to defend things that are exposed, and no way to deny them.
- We’ll see fall guys of the minion variety going down for all sorts of criminal activity over the coming weeks and months, and with names of people who we may know. The higher level individuals who directed them will be held accountable as well, but for much more serious crimes.
- Everyone who’s assisted the cabal in whatever way will answer for their crimes. Smaller fall guys are going down for lesser crimes, but the big guys are going down for treason and sedition, crimes against Humanity and war crimes.
- Tribunals will be quick.
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