by Lee Carroll, November 27, 2023, via email
Have you ever had difficulty tapping into your intuition? Do you sense that Spirit is constantly communicating with you, but you’re uncertain of how to receive those messages?
Today, we’re sharing a segment of a channelling where Kryon shares about a change in the Magnetic Field. And how Spirit communicates with us to help us tap into our innate intuitive ability to receive those messages.
“Kryon of Magnetic service – this magnetic consciousness has a more elegant consciousness as you’ve been put in a beautiful place in Gaia. It’s a perfect place for intuition to blossom where humans have free choice. You will get information if you ASK for it. When you sit in a quiet place it is a signal to Spirit that you are ready to receive information. Some of you will meditate, others will busy yourself. Whatever soothes your soul.
Look at some of the most amazing inventors on your planet. These intuitive thoughts that led to great creation was ASKED for and in the doing they received something they need to push them in an area they didn’t expect. Every human being who wants messages from spirit requires free choice of you saying “I want this kind of message.” This is only the first step. Kryon gives the rest of the steps to interpret the message.”