Area of the Vancouver Project
(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
Here’s an example of making lemonade from lemons. It shows how I grow without doing anything tangible. I’m just planning, imagining, envisioning … and growing.
It is after all growth of the spirit we want, not growth of anything else, really.
I’m authorizing myself to take financial responsibility for the stretch of territory around me, which I regard as the territory covered by the nascent Vancouver Project. It extends about a hundred miles up the Fraser Valley to Hope, BC, and in the other direction up Howe Sound to Squamish.
This is the territory that will be serviced by the Vancouver Project. Yours might be the Manila Project, the Moscow Project, or the Northern Territories of Canada Project. I regard it as natural to look to the well-being of the area in which we live first before anything else.
It also will give the Michaelangelo Fund a chance to get its feet wet in local waters before extending itself to Canada as a whole and thence to other countries.
I’m assuming financial responsibility for rebuilding the social safety net in this area, whatever that looks like.
What kind of services? Back in the Sixties, if you were unexpectedly pregnant, a network of services were available, usually government-funded, to advise and refer you.
You had suicidal impulses? There was someone you could talk to right away and a group experience of some sort you could go to. Financial difficulties? Parent-child intervention? And so on.
People had jobs – even “permanent” employment, with advancement opportunities, and benefits plans. Therefore they could afford growth workshops and travel on their paid vacation time. West met East as a consequence and repaired much of the ill feeling that WW2 had generated.
The happy time disappeared when the deep state automated the workplace and fired the excess workers by means of its “jobless recovery” from the recession of 1982. (1)
They shed workers, unapologetically, and blamed it on the recession. No severance package. Gone from jobs and sometimes careers, with only minimal state assistance afterwards.
Now here we are. Our grandchildren don’t know what office procedure looks like because we shredded their jobs. Things which are second nature to our generation are “don’t know don’t know” to many of them.
The bottom line is that I’d like to rebuild that social safety net even if I have to fund it myself – first in my locale and then anywhere else in Canada that wants the same help.
This is the Michaelangelo Fund’s first project and first responsibility as I see it. We’re starting small and then building outwards.
The program may be extended across Canada. It may be joined by other projects of a different nature. It may morph into a package that can be offered to other countries. I don’t know yet.
To begin with, in my work as a humanitarian philanthropist, I take responsibility, as appropriate, for the financial well-being of the area around me. Not so as to create dependency, but definitely to create jobs, security, and other conditions of wellbeing.
So here we are, with drill after drill to prepare for the Reval.
For me – happen or not happen – it’s phenomenal. If it doesn’t happen, I’ve had another opportunity to refine my post-Reval “To Do” list, to prepare graphics for my first business meeting with the new President of the Michaelangelo Fund, and hone my redemption-appointment presentation.
Isn’t this what university should be like? Imagine you have endless income (because there will be more than one prosperity program), what would you do with it? Make this your thesis.
I’d love to!
(1) See:
- The Impact of Automation on Work at
- Killing for Market Share at