This interview beats every other one with Ismael that we’ve posted (and there have been lots) in terms of far-outness. Are we ready for this information? I imagine that there will be a variety of responses to what’s being presented, ranging from disbelief all the way to absolute recognition.
Whenever I caught wind of anything referring to Super Soldiers previously, I just accepted that such programs were necessary in the wars that most Humans generally have no clue about. Contemplating just what’s involved in the creation and development of same just never took up much space in my thoughts…but it makes sense, what’s being shared.
It also feels like such disclosures are happening at this point because everything the Super Soldiers were created for is either done and finished, or is wrapping up now. I reckon that the Human Collective has been being primed and ready to know things by increments, and this discussion opens up the way for more.