A couple of things by way of intro to this video. As you may already be aware, Skye has been gathering a following by making videos about med beds and the technology of same, originating in the Secret Space Program (“SSP”). We’d posted some of her work previously and were asked by her to take it all down, which we have.
She’s had a number of issues with people hacking her accounts and pretending to be her, selling things that don’t exist, etc. Apparently, that’s all been cleaned up and taken care of. On May 24, 2023, Skye posted the following public video on YouTube discussing details about the new, non-SSP med beds.
Many folks have written in to the GA asking about this technology and the availability of same, and we always answer that when we have such information, we’ll share it here. I’m personally cautiously optimistic that what’s being represented here is accurate. It’s certainly what we want to be true, but therein lies the danger. We make ourselves vulnerable to being deceived when our need borders on desperation and despair…and we know from all your letters that this is true for many.
I took notes, posted below the video.
Notes ~
- There are still three types of Med Beds.
- You’ll have a “scan appointment” to determine what it is that you want to do.
- As the technology is working, you’ll feel a tingling in your body.
- You can be awake and conscious for the procedure.
- If you’re feeling anxious, the bed will send signals to your brain to calm you, and it may cause you to go into a light sleep.
- All 3 beds can do everything.
The first one appears as a plain and simple hospital bed without rails. You lie in it, and above you, there will be an image that’s a holographic replica of your form, from top to bottom.
The second bed is similar to the first, but there’s a circular beam that moves up and down the body until whatever it is that you want it to do is complete.
The third bed is an encapsulated egg shape that you lay down in. The bottom half is a solid shell, and the top is clear material. In this one, limbs can be regrown, heart valves repaired, hips replaced, age regressed, diabetes cured, etc.
How long will it take to do certain things in these new, updated Med Beds?
- A full set of new teeth: 3 to 5 minutes.
- Age regression of 30 years: 3 to 5 hours, depending on what else that you’re having done. The estimate of 15 hours was based on old technology.
- An entire new body: 6 or 7 hours, depending on each person’s needs and condition.
- The rooms for each bed need to be quite large. There will be special material on the walls that assists in what the Med Beds do.
- If you want to be running a healing center and you applied for funding for that, you’ll need to attend a conference.
- Six to eight weeks after the release of funding, the Med Bed technology will be disclosed to the public.
- Six to eight more weeks after that, they’ll start taking the public in to be healed, starting with those with the most dire situations.
Editor’s note ~ Skye is saying at the end that it (the release of Med Beds to the public) is about to happen, which presumably means that funding of projects is imminent.
- Military will start with implementing the process, and then they’ll hand it over to humanitarians.
- She said some people will refuse to go in the beds for whatever reasons, but the beds will be available until everyone who wants healing has received it. The beds won’t work for people who haven’t taken responsibility for their own healing. If you’re making your best effort to heal yourself, you can be helped by the Med Beds.
- Med Bed operators will be trained over a six month period, half of which will be intensive spiritual training, two of the six months will be spent working with the beds, learning biology and how to work with patients, depending on prior experience. The training will include the animal healing chambers as well.
- Telepathy operates the bed, so the spiritual training and maturation process is required to insure the cultivation of the high responsibility that a med bed operator absolutely must have.
- The Quantum System is what will determine an individual’s readiness to be an operator.