by Digger Barr
A friend of mine does a Radio show out of the Seattle area.
It is the Original Loretta Brown show in which she interviews incredibly fascinating people.
The shows are archived and can be viewed at any time.
This past week she hosted Penny Kelly. Many of you may recognize that name and if you’re interested in that show the link is provided below.
In this show they were discussing what is a Kundalini awakening. Penny spent some time in detail about her experience. This brought back my own memories about my kundalini awakening .
It seems that more and more people are experiencing their kundalini awakening but might not recognise it.
There are probably countless ways in which this occurs but realizing what is happening when it happens can be very helpful.
This event is a cosmic opportunity to work with your personal energy and give it direction as well as integration. It is a powerful activation and well worth learning more about.
So what is Kundalini?
The answer to this question cannot be squeezed into a nutshell for it is the question itself that leads an aspirant to seeking. It is through seeking that awakens the consciousness. The kundalini energy lies within everyone but it is the life one leads that stirs its awakening.
It is a rising of one’s own fire energy that burns through ignorance into a new level of consciousness. It is a new state of being and understanding that develops with practice and diligence. It is described as a serpent that lies at the base of your spine and once awakened it flows up the spinal column as the cakra (chakra) system. Once a certain level of consciousness occurs the Kundalini comes to life and the fire ignites and Life takes on new meaning.
I may not be doing this explanation justice so I will just describe my own experience.
This story cannot begin without the back story.
This is the catalyst that triggered it all.
I was hit hard.
Literally my feet got knocked out from under me and I landed hard on my face.
It seemed that everything I knew and loved was taken from me overnight. My emotional and physical state deteriorated quickly. I had a psychotic breakdown and needed to get a grip on myself. There was no one that could do it for me.
Yes, I got a counselor, started yoga and kept my job.
But getting me back was up to me. It was a difficult time but the prize was worth it.
I was worth it.
Fast forward on that process, months later I arrived in my new home.
This was my first home ownership, in my new life, sitting in a newly bought chair.
Nothing about my trauma needed to disturb this moment.
I sat for 3 days. I left my body and explored the cosmos.
It was the longest meditation I have ever done.
Finally coming back into my body, I stood up and started living again.
At this pivotal moment I knew I had changed.
Shortly after that, while sitting in that very chair, my kundalini started buzzing.
It was a strong, powerful, full on vibration from my tailbone.
The buzzing was persistent and successful at getting my attention.
I picked up the phone and called Swami Rahdakrisnananda.
“My kundalini is buzzing”, I said.
“You better come to class,” she replied.
I spent three years studying Kundalini Yoga at the Radha yoga center.
That was in 2004.
During this time I began automatic writing, exploring dream states and connecting with my higher selves.
It has been a transformative process and through it all I found the one thing that is priceless.
I found me and my connection with divine source.
My mantra throughout my traumatic experience had been ‘find the love, find the love’.
I can say indeed, I have found the love.
For those of you out there that are having conscious raising experiences. Hang in there. It gets better.
And if you feel that ‘fire’ rush up from the base of your spine, congratulations.
Your work can now begin in earnest on a whole new you.
Sooo much love
The Original Loretta Brown show KKNW 1150 radio