There needs to be balance in life.
Many people nourish their physical bodies but forget to nourish their souls and spirits. To keep their emotional, mental and spiritual bodies fit and healthy, fully functioning too. Indeed all twelve bodies, of which the physical is but one part.
It is so necessary to make time for your soul to soar and to fly, to connect with Source and Divinity within, through quiet time,
meditation, toning, chanting, singing, whatever ways work best for you.
Prayer and contemplation.
Mother Earth and Nature uplift and soothe the soul in ways the rat race cannot nor the incessant chatter of the mind.
We need to stop the constant busi-ness, in order to just be.
Switch off the cell phones.
Quietude, stillness is an elixir which connects the soul way beyond the confines of earth into eternal, infinite space.
For the soul is not bound by the physical.
It is eternally present where ever it chooses to be.
For the soul is pure energy and can transcend all.
In truth so is the Eternal Now.
So is Divinity.