Judith Kusel
“Before Enlightenment chop wood; – after Enlightenment chop wood.” (Tao Proverb)
As The Shift progresses and we are moving into the highest dimensional states and our physical forms change into the New Crystalline Lightbody form, we so often experience immense highest states of pure bliss; Oneness and unity with all that is. For as the heart and soul awakens, one can now access what one could not access before, merely through meditation and stillness. Being fully present in that state of Illumination.
I am being reminded in the last few days, especially via conversations I have had with others, and questions I have been asked, where so many people are struggling, to balance the mundane, the Old Earth yapping at the heels, and more so that which everyday life and living brings, with the higher states they enter during meditation etc..
Ascension in truth means, to anchor in the Highest states of Bliss, of Oneness, unity, harmony, enlightenment, illumination INTO the earth, so that we become a bridge between heaven and earth.
It means to anchor in that state of bliss, to anchor in the wisdom gained, the knowledge downloaded, the illumination and whatever we received. We indeed need to LIVE it in everyday life.
I have personally found, that when I am in that highest state, and where I truly wish to stay in that state and access it even more, that something will happen which will ground me again, and that is all good! For the mundane tasks, the chores, the every day business of living, is still here with us. It is assisting us to ground the highest states in, and in so doing, we are indeed lighting up the world!
It is in the chopping of wood, in the daily chores, and the daily interactions, that we truly LIVE enlightenment.
More than this, it is so important now to keep being grounded and rooted firmly into Mother Earth, and put those grounding cords down, for a rootless tree, is uprooted during the first severe storm!
Instead of resenting the chores, the mundane, the daily business of life, we start to see and appreciate the way it is teaching us to ground what we have experienced into the Earth and to lay the foundation blocks down for life in the New Earth and the New Golden Age.
What a blessing!
For indeed the more we start appreciating whatever comes our way, and start becoming grateful for everything, even the seeming meaningless and mundane, the higher access we gain into the highest states of pure Oneness, Unity and Love and Bliss.
In the seeming paradox, lie the keys and codes of En-lighten-ment.