April 21, 2023, via email
Editor’s note ~ Thanks to Rosa for sending this in. At first, I was hesitant to post it, even though the subject matter is outstanding and actually vital to the Human Collective to understand. I had no knowledge of this man previously, and didn’t feel comfortable sharing the piece, because ultimately, Lorin is offering an intensive workshop. He does offer many other items designed to assist in the realm of relationship with women, though…potentially quite helpful.
Also, after hearing Rosa’s rave about his book, and upon having a look at his website, my concerns have dissipated like the mists rising up off a mountain lake of a summer morning. His blog has a number of truly insightful articles on relationship as well.
One of the main reasons why men struggle in today’s world is because their path to awakening is often a lonely one, at least for a certain period.
Due to a lack of healthy masculine role models, most men find themselves in friendship circles that don’t serve them, and at worst, celebrate them for showing up being out of integrity and in disservice to their true nature.
This could be through picking up women, behaving without integrity towards women, being a workaholic (I believe in hard work yet never at the expense of our mental, physical and spiritual health), drinking excessive alcohol, you name it.
The need for validation, the need to fit into the tribe, is primal and so deeply rooted within us. It explains why men stay in specific friendship circles that glorify picking up women, and why men engage in unconscious activities.
I remember how in the past I would experience an inner conflict: Do I want to be alone and in integrity or meet up with a group of men and show up in ways towards the feminine that are out of integrity? There came a point where I couldn’t engage in these activities anymore, I would make others laugh, I would know exactly what to say, how to get attention, but I felt so empty inside. What followed then was a deep awakening process.
I spent years being in nature, meditating, being on my own and facing a deep sense of loneliness as I basically had to let go of almost everything and everyone around me ~ it simply didn’t serve me. Now, I know the reward of this journey, and I would choose it again and again, as it is the path of truth, the highest path.
Yet there were times where I felt like a failure and didn’t know what I was doing. I had no idea how it would all beautifully come together, how the universe would orchestrate things in a way that I would meet an entirely new tribe, the woman of my dreams, and be in service to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.
Yet to say that this journey was easy would be an utter lie. It was very painful at times. There were times where my body was shaking with anxiety due to the courage needed to make certain decisions that were very painful yet necessary to live in accordance to my truth and my deepest calling.
The truth is, men who awaken in today’s world often don’t have a support system. And if they have, it might be the wrong one. Either it is hyper masculine oriented ~ seeing women as inferior to men and subscribing to heartless, emotionally unavailable ideas of what it means to be a man, or, hyper feminine orientated: all about love and light, with a lack of grounding, and an obvious neglect of the primal, archaic masculine.
This is one of the many reasons why I have created The Awakened Masculine Program. What happens in these containers is indescribable. From tears, to profound breakthroughs, to deep internal shifts, to sacred brotherhood, words fail to describe these containers.
My soul burns to facilitate these containers where powerful like-minded men come together to create depth and learn to embody their awakened masculine core.
The price goes up in 48 hours for my next round starting on the 11th June.
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