By now, you’ve likely seen the rather troubling headlines involving Tenzin Gyatso: “Dalai Lama apologizes after video shows him kissing child and asking him to suck his tongue.”
What do we do with this information? Is this just one more person, who we held up as being a more shining example of humanity, falling from grace in our collective eyes? We’ve been given a warning already about those who we’ve trusted turning out to be undeserving of that honor; and those who we thought of as sketchy or even villainous turning out to be kind of heroic.
So much of our reality has been inverted. Is that so we’ll learn to discern for ourselves what actually is true?
We’re also faced with the fact that AI is more than capable of generating such incriminating videos, especially with such a well-recorded subject. Steve points out that “This could be the cabal’s latest operation to destroy the Dalai Lama’s following using a clone or actor, and create another issue to divide us.”
I haven’t personally followed the the Dalai Lama’s story over the years, and I feel certain that there are entire volumes written both by and about him available online and elsewhere. I’m just going with feeling and intuition here, and I surely don’t care to assume anything.
Do we dive into researching this man’s life and history to decide how we feel about seeing someone who appears to be this particular ‘holy’ man tell a child to suck his tongue? That doesn’t feel necessary to me, because who we are in this very moment is what matters. The man is 87 years old. If it truly was him, did he forget that cameras are rolling always? That other people were in the room who might not feel that such behavior is appropriate?
Spirit works in mysterious ways, have we not found this to be so? Perhaps this is another wake-up call for the people of the world to see that children have long been the currency of the d’elites, as Zingdad likes to call the cabal. And make no mistake, religion has some of the darkest of them.
But then again…was it really him? This situation presents another fine opportunity to practice non-attachment. Taking a position on this kind of news is counter-productive, and plays into the hands of those who desire greatly to influence our thoughts, beliefs and feelings.