by Digger Barr
When one accepts a ride from a Dragon one must be prepared to face two things.
The first is to prepare for the greatest adventure you have never known.
On the back of a dragon you will soar to all new heights.
You can travel to places you never knew existed and you will have incredible perspective even over your old stomping grounds.
This ride will show you everything brand new and largely unknown.
This brings up the second thing that will happen.
It will challenge every fear you carry with you. Facing the unknown is difficult for many people. We like to hang on to our securities.
On the back of a dragon if you’re lucky there may be a seatbelt or a harness of some sort.
That’s all of the security provided.
There is no room for baggage so it’s best to not even pack.
In fact you had better start unpacking all of that unnecessary freight.
Once you’re on the dragon there is no turning back and things will be a lot smoother with a lighter load.
Could you imagine how many things you would miss out on if distracted by hanging on to your baggage?
Interestingly, the ride itself may reveal those things hidden deep in your pockets.
The image here is the Dragon doing spiral loops and all the loose bits fall back to Earth.
This alone is a good reason to get on the dragon.
It leads to introspection. And that may very well be what the ride is really about.
Going to great heights to find what is truly within you.
According to Marina Jacobi and as interpreted by Magenta Pixie, the dragons are here.
Have they entered our realm and are they flitting about the skies?
Can you see them?
Are you a Dragon rider?
Are you ready for the adventure of your life?
Say yes.
This is a contract with yourself.
Be willing to face your fears.
Let them go.
Lighten the load.
For Humanity, for yourself.
Dragon riders, let’s GO!