Judith Kusel
We are going through the most powerful transfiguration process in the next few months and years leading up to 2032, and the process will be more or less completed by 2044.
Our souls have been prepared for this for many millions of earth years, and the New Children born since 1994 and most importantly, since 2012 and 2019, are indeed the New Humanity. They have come in will all the tools, expertise and know-how and even more important, without any previous karma or lifetimes on earth. They are new souls in all and every sense of the word!
I was shown by Lord Melchizedek and the High Counsel of Melchizedek clearly this morning how, many of the souls who were born since the 1950s (Indigo and first volunteer Star seeds) and the Crystal children (1970s to 1994), were prepared for many lifetimes on earth and beyond for this momentous time.
Many of us held the steady for humanity throughout its darkest ages, and so often had to lead the way. At this momentous time, we will be asked to step up further and higher in highest service, and take on the Role of Wise Elders, so that we can gently, loving, yet with great inner strength, love and resilience, be there for the New Children, so that they can firmly anchor in their soul expertise and co-create the New Golden Age with us.
Many of the Soul Groups, like the Shining Ones, the Illumined Ones, the Graces, the Loving Ones, the Healing Ones, have been the anchor and stay in the most Ancient of Mystery Schools globally and the Elders of Humanity since the planet’s creation. All these Soul Groups, now wish to complete mission and their involvement with Mother Earth, and thus these souls are not only in the last incarnation on earth, but here for one reason only: – and that is to work through all negative patterns created in other lifetimes with other souls, and to transfigure and complete mission.
Yet, at the very same time, they now are stepping in the Elders of Excellence Roles, the Hierophant Roles, as they will now assist the New Children to anchor in the New Golden Age, even as they too, remember and utilize their immense collective soul knowledge to do the same.
It is their immense powerful vision, their gift of prophesy, their gift of co-creation which will help the New Humanity to rise into the fullness of its Greatness and thus help to return the New Humanity to the Intergalactic and Universal Citizenship.
For in truth we have always belonged to the High Counsels but then, through our own choice, chose to separate ourselves from them and then sunk into the seas of forgetfulness with the Fall of Atlantis.
There is a huge sign up since the equinox for all souls who came here as star seeds and volunteers: NO SHRINKING ALLOWED!
It is time to fully step into your Eldership and Leadership roles, with love and joy, with strength and fortitude and apply your own immense soul knowledge in the highest possible way, for the highest good of all! With unconditional love and devotion.
Indeed, the higher and more profound the Calling, the more the soul is called upon to relentlessly follow that call and not allow itself to be distracted!
Yet with the open heart and soul, filled with so much love, and lovingly serving from the same, it becomes a way of life, and indeed highest service of loving joy, and inspiration!
We will all now be pushed beyond anything we ever believed possible and into the seeming impossible, in order to fully co-create the New Golden Age!