(This is not an appeal. It’s an exploration of the inner wisdom of the appeal process.)
We who’ve been waiting for Disclosure and Ascension are now waiting for “the Storm.”
How hard it is to maintain a sense of purpose and awakeness in the face of it. And how paradoxical. We are the strongest of the strong … in waiting.
And in being universally deprived. Thanks to a deep state out to annihilate us.
In the midst of that turmoil, we ask you, month after month, for our daily needs. A daunting prospect, given the times, for both of us.
The process has, for me, been humbling. May I explore its impact? Because that’s where the inner wisdom of it becomes visible.
Observing myself over the months, I noticed that it was how I felt about feeling humbled that proved important. Feeling humbled is one thing but how do I feel about feeling it?
Humbling was going to happen no matter what, as Michael explained in 2016:
“As you [all] assume profile – whether it is because of money or notoriety or political power or financial power, it matters not – it gives you a sense of being elevated. We would encourage you to take the elevator to the basement.” (1)
That quote has never left me and as the time approaches when I may find myself a CEO its relevance grows.
Go first. See if you can solve the problem by taking action yourself before asking others. Stop complaining. The buck stops on your desk. All of these messages are going off in my head and listening to them calls for (you got it) humility. So I welcome the sandpapering I’m getting.
Reaching this point has been a long process however. And now that I’ve given you the background, you can appreciate it when I say often I’ve been carried forward kicking and screaming.
The humbling process is undoubtedly one reason why the Mother asked us to ask you each month for our daily bread when it isn’t necessary. I can think of several ways that our needs could be met without requiring you to hear from us each month.
But let me describe the impact of this process on me because I think there’s a more general, valuable lesson here:
—> My whole constructed self is based on resistance. The runt of the litter would put a stick in the spokes unless he was listened to. The victim of physical and emotional abuse would learn karate and then his father wouldn’t dare come near him again. The young man grew up to be the policeman of the world and so on and on. <—
Plus, in my distorted worldview, as a historian, I knew that everything depended on how far you were prepared to go. And I was a kamikaze. Always in harm’s way. I loved to brawl.
OK, with that as background, let me now take up letting go of my resistance to being humbled. You can see how far I’d have to travel. The troll under the bridge ain’t gonna surrender without a fight.
Why I’m writing this is to say, as a reformed troll, I could respond to this monthly application of sandpaper in one of two ways. I could resist, as I always have done…. automatic response…. vasana…. Standing on principle…. Justified…. Complain to Michael… Threaten to quit…. Get more and more tired…. Fail in my mission…. Give up the ghost….
Or I can allow the process. The Mother and Michael have asked us to approach you each month for a reason. They aren’t cruel. As she reminds us, she’s a very practical mother. (2)
I now see it. Reader and editor, receiver and giver form part of the process of re-awakening charity and generosity in society (before the Reval calls upon us to act from those very same virtues anyways). We’re being asked in our circle of influence to restart “the ebb and flow … of love and sharing.” (3)
I know sharing causes the love to flow from my heart up through me and out to another. Why would I not be an advocate of it? This experience has taught me to be one.
I also know that sharing repairs the injury of division. It repairs it emotionally out of all proportion to the value of what’s shared.
We need to restart our engines of sharing in society. Our governments not only won’t do it; they want to eliminate us altogether as “useless eaters.” But even an act of simply sharing love will defeat them.
By the time the Reval arrives, I’ll have been through a preparatory course in humility and sharing and that will probably turn out to be just what the situation of being a CEO requires.
If the flow of generosity and compassion in society hasn’t restarted by then – as a CEO who’s also a writer? That’ll be the first order of business.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 22, 2016.
(2) Divine Mother: I am a practical Mother. (“Much Lies Ahead: Personal Reading of Narendra Mishra with Sri Krishna and the Divine Mother, May 30, 2019,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/06/02/personal-reading-of-narendra-mishra-with-sri-krishna-and-the-divine-mother-may-30-2019/.)
(3) Steve: Is it really in the Plan that we continue to approach readers month by month?
Archangel Michael Barring [the Reval], yes, because what human beings are learning, again, is this ebb and flow and the many expressions of love and of sharing. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.)