I was researching microchips and came across this delightful review from Matthew of so many health-related questions we have.
My memory is a-t-r-o-c-i-o-u-s. If it really is as he says, that “increasingly high energy levels on Earth are producing a variety of physical, mental or emotional anomalies such as … forgetfulness,” I’ll be delighted and happy to wait it out.
I make a very good confidante these days. It’s in one ear and out the other!
Here is Matthew’s really-welcome advice.
Matthew’s Message, August 12, 2014
How can we know which symptoms are ascension-related and which aren’t; to what extent are GMO foods adversely affecting health; how much are toxins in chemtrails affecting us; what can we do to strengthen immune systems; what causes chronic low energy and fatigue; when will illness of all kinds disappear?
In all of those situations, the answer is light—the “one size fits all”—and we happily offer information that can be helpful in absorbing light. Always the purpose of our messages has been to offer enlightenment, guidance and encouragement during these transformative phases that the planet and all of her residents are going through; and especially in the prevailing vibrations, where “good” gets better and “bad” gets worse, proper care of yourselves in mind, body and spirit is vital! Sound health makes it easier for messages from the soul to reach the consciousness, and your souls are telling you to look beyond the illusion, to open your minds and hearts to the reality of who you are—this is what ascension is all about!
Now then, increasingly high energy levels on Earth are producing a variety of physical, mental or emotional anomalies such as achiness, mood swings, urgency to act upon impulses, nervousness, confusion, fatigue, forgetfulness, chest congestion, depression, nausea, rash, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea or general weakness. If one system of a body is weaker, or less fortified, than the others, that system is susceptible to whatever unsettling condition is most closely related. When those sensations or conditions are due to the heightened vibrations changing cellular structure from carbon-based to crystalline, healthy individuals quickly adjust and symptoms disappear until the next energy surge, which is followed by another rapid adjustment, and so on; and the more light in a body, the less noticeable the effects are.
Be mindful that the symptoms associated with ascension also can be indications of a developing health issue. If what you are experiencing persists or worsens, please consult healthcare specialists, preferably those you call “holistic” or “alternative,” who know that prescription drugs can exacerbate a condition whereas natural ingredients in proper doses have ameliorative effects.
There is another important factor here. To balance other lifetimes or complete unfinished karmic lessons, some souls choose a severe illness, chronic debilitating disease, deep depression or aberrant mental functioning. In such cases, even the most proficient medical specialists cannot successfully treat the condition and neither can energy workers. This doesn’t mean that the love-light energy the workers channel cannot reach ailing persons; it is that the soul is not permitting activation of their bodies’ self-healing mechanisms…
Moving on now, except for grain that is designed for one crop only—this is based in greed and is negativity-laden—genetically modified foods are widely considered to be much more harmful than they actually are. Repeated publicity about any situation results in widespread belief, and whatever individuals believe is their reality. Therefore, the belief that GMO foods are harmful produces whatever ill effects consumers attribute to them; but it is the chemicals in processed foods, fertilizers, herbicides and pharmaceuticals, and the steroids and antibiotics fed to animals in the food chain that are hazardous to your health.
The most light-filled foods are fruits and vegetables, and if the cost is affordable, eat organically grown produce; choose meat from animals certified to be free of additives and sea food naturally grown or properly cultivated. If costs are prohibitive, please do not have negative thoughts about what you are eating instead! In diet, as in all other issues, positive thoughts are powerful and so is the light in gratitude—feel thankful for your food, ask that it serve your highest good, and believe that it is!
Eventually your soil, air and water will be pure again and food’s lost nutrients will be restored. Bodies’ crystalline cellular structure will thrive on fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains; meat and seafood no longer will be palatable; food allergies will disappear and so will today’s prolific chemicals.
Although toxins from all sources adversely affect health, bodies’ self-healing mechanisms resist or reduce the most harmful effects when immune systems function optimally. Light is essential to maintain that degree of immunity, and the best way to absorb light is positive thoughts and feelings. In that respect, please remember and feel grateful that crews in spacecraft are using their technologies to neutralize or reduce as much as possible the toxins in chemtrails, radioactive elements and all other pollutants in your earth, skies and waters.
Light absorption comes more naturally to persons whose lifestyle is balanced. Along with heeding recommendations of your healthcare specialists and nutritionists, these additional suggestions will assist in acquiring or regaining balance: Spend as much time as you can in tranquil solitude and enjoying Nature. Nurture your talents and allow artistic expressions to flow. Be kind to all persons and animals and react calmly to unpleasant surprises and confrontations. Choose light-hearted reading and other entertainment and listen to melodious music. Smile and laugh often! Monatomic gold, perhaps best known for enhancing brain function and spiritual clarity, also strengthens immune systems.
Chronically low energy and fatigue is not ascension-related insofar as indicating whether a person is living in godly ways; it does mean, however, that the body is seriously light-deficient. The lack may stem from one or more undiagnosed health conditions—perhaps the onset of an illness or debilitating disease, metabolic or hormonal imbalance, dehydration or severe food allergies. Intense worrying can keep energy levels low. Prolonged exposure to emissions from computers, TVs and cell phones; chemicals in prescription drugs; a diet lacking in nutritious foods; and effects of pollutants are other possibilities…
Illness across the board isn’t going to disappear until the population has absorbed enough light to believe that it can be disease-free—belief creates the reality. This pertains as well to rejuvenating faulty organs and growing missing limbs—regeneration and restoration won’t happen in one fell swoop because those processes also require belief.
People who unquestioningly believe they can recover from paralysis or their heart will function perfectly without a pacemaker, for example, will manage those accomplishments sooner than individuals whose belief wavers and much sooner than those who doubt they have any capability in those respects. It’s a matter of how much light has permeated mind, body and spirit; and at this moment, most in your world don’t think that something as “magical” as replacing dentures with actual new teeth is even a possibility.
Someday everyone in your world will know not only how magnificently-designed your bodies are, but what magnificently powerful souls you are! Beloved sisters and brothers, we are eager to see you discover your innate knowledge and abilities and take your rightful place in our universal family as the multidimensional souls you are.