…and with our eyes on the prize. We’ve been hearing from channeled messages and from our own respective teams that things would be getting bumpy on this Ascension ride, and they were not kidding.
Topsy-turvy actually does seem to fit, and the stories coming out in the news are just so ludicrous these days that it seems a certainty that stepping back from it all in order to achieve the view from altitude is the wisest course of action.
It’s our connections with one another that make it possible for us to keep the faith and continue on through the most challenging of days…and nights. Conversations with friends can provide a fertile field for expanding our ideas and inspirations about the world as we’re dreaming it to be, and about Human potential.
For example, what do you suppose it will be like when every cabal-initiated trauma, inversion, disease and injury is simply lifted in an instant? Dissipated in a vaporous cloud, rendered harmless, every demon exorcised, every NPC just gone…
What will it feel like when we’re all free to pursue what makes our hearts sing, and to discover what it’s like to feel good in our bodies and be at peace the world over?
Our beloved Gaia and living reality populated only with healthy and whole beings originating from a wide variety of far-distant points, and in their diversity, not entirely unlike the current population of Earth? All are aligned with the highest Light, and enjoying a peaceful existence upon this exquisite, vibrant planet, absolutely teeming with vibrant Life.
Word has it that if that’s what we want, we need to train ourselves to match the frequency of it; really find ways to step into the feeling of what it’s like to live in loving community, where everyone has what they need to live a fulfilling life as a contributing and valued member…and thereby also a beloved and supported one. Ismael Perez is calling for us to make a point of getting ourselves really juiced up about exactly this, and to do it at any point on the third of March (3~3~23).
Concentrating our collective energies on this one day will be most effective and wonderful, but there’s no need to wait. We can do that every day whenever it occurs…to just daydream, but like, daydreaming on etheric steroids.
We share what’s in our hearts and on our minds here on this blog, and what information resonates for us. This team is diverse in what catches our attention most, and our readership reflects that diversity and interest. What we aim for is to keep our community tied together with a rope made from eloquent words that touch the heart. We humbly ask for your help and partnership in making it so.
Many thanks and blessings to our loyal monthly subscribers for providing the beautiful foundation from which we’re able to create this blog, and we look to our new and one-time donors to complete the picture.
Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to the blog via the Hope Chest.
Yipee! Our new donation system is now available. We invite you to use the link below.
Here‘s how to donate:
Use this link ~ https://hopeche.st/pages/donate
- Click the yellow Donate button to make a monthly recurring donation in the amount of your choosing.
- For a one-time donation, follow the down arrow to the big box and follow the prompts.
- Donations by check or money order should be made out to Hope Chest and sent to Hope Chest, P. O. Box 2744, San Pedro, Ca 90731.
If you have a question, please contact Karen at the Hope Chest: [email protected]