(via email)
When a need for greater support doesn’t feel worthy of the support it seeks, a secret desire for companionship masquerades as a constant need to be right.
This is how compassion sees the pitfalls of righteousness.
The next time someone is trying to push their viewpoints onto you, you can simply remember their insistence is often a trauma response being expressed from their most insufferable and unconscious space of pain – a depth of pain they may not even know they are in due to the beliefs they defend and sell.
Whether demonstrated by others in your life or patterns you are becoming more aware of in yourself, it is why we all deserve more love, not less.
May today bless you with you with a greater depth of worthiness and renewal. May it inspire you to meet yourself fresh and new, as if for the very first time.
May it plant seeds of heart-centered consciousness that blossom boldly in the garden of your heart.
May today inspire a renewed strength of empathic power where you remember the innate grace, ineffable ease, and infinite power of your True Eternal Self.
May all these gifts and more be wholeheartedly received on behalf of a world still discovering why the beauty of each moment is known as the present.
All for Love,