I posted a meme recently on my Buy Me a Coffee page that gave a heads-up that the Supreme Court would be having another look at this most hopeful of cases, and that a SCOTUS conference on it will take place on that most auspicious of dates…the 17th of this month.
The brothers are urging us to write another letter, in order to really drive home the point that our country can’t afford to not address the bottom line question: If upholding the oath taken when being sworn into office to protect the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, doesn’t truly mean anything…why bother taking it, and why try to pretend that it does?
For a $2 donation, they’ll send your letter for you. Otherwise, they provide a template that can be printed out, and as it was in the first round, print two copies: one for the SCOTUS, and one for the brothers (along with a dollar in the brothers’ envelope, if you have it).
They’ve put together a nice, inspiring video for us…
Support our Case 22-380!!! We are in the Appeal Process!!! Keep up the Momentum
Click the image to watch…
Their website has both a form to fill out for them to send the letter for you, or a template for us to print out ~
“A rehearing petition is now accepted, filed, docketed by SCOTUS, the new conference date is February 17. Hence, “We the People,” with your letters, will show SCOTUS the desperately needed support for a victorious outcome! This case is in a new appeal process, Regardless of your previous letters, show SCOTUS your support and continue to send letters so they know this case matters!”
There’s a YouTube video at the bottom of the page linked above that’s mostly speech-making, and the brothers don’t speak or play until after about 19 minutes, but they do address the case.