(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
Curiosity has always been with me. During childhood, some of the general questions that plagued me were:
- How far is up?
- What is up there in the sky?
- What is the sky? Why is it blue?
- How does an airplane stay in the sky?
- The questions changed as I grew older:
- What is infinity?
- What do I need to do to understand it?
- Where shall I look for answers?
- Who will tell me?
The more important ones were:
- Who is God?
- What is God?
- Why is God male?
- What is a soul?
- How did we get here?
- Who am I?
- Where did I come from?
- Why am I here?
Naive as I was, I thought teachers, pastors, or priests should know the answers, but of course they didn’t. My questions only irritated them.
My avid curiosity never waned, but I did move on in life, neared adulthood, moved away from my parents’ home, and established myself in the banking industry in a nearby town.
I became familiar with the term “gender equality,” or rather “gender inequality,” and the patriarchal system that was prevalent at the time. All those important events in my life only brought more questions:
- Why did men earn more money than women for doing the same work?
- Where were all the female managers?
- Why were men offered the most favorable opportunities?
Once again, life did not make sense.
During the early 1960s, I met and married my life mate. A few years later, we moved to a small town in central Saskatchewan, and that is where my paranormal experiences began.
Déjà vu was the first of those experiences to show itself. I would be doing a normal, mundane household chore, perhaps making a pudding for my small children, and then, for a nanosecond, I just knew I had already experienced the same situation!
Next to appear was precognition. Of course, I did not know the name of it. I only knew it was very puzzling. I knew the phone would ring before it did. I knew that my good friend would knock on my door and come in for coffee.
One of my young sons had an “imaginary” friend he would converse with, even holding the door open to allow the friend to enter the house. They were strange occurrences that caused more unanswered questions.
Ever curious, I experimented with a Ouija board. I am unable to remember where it came from or why it was in my possession, but I was fascinated with it.
I could make it move without physically touching it, and that frightened me, so I got rid of it and have never wanted another one. It was all just more and more puzzles to mull over.
In desperation, I finally turned to religion, and after making a few attempts to read the Bible cover to cover, I gave it up. Somehow, I knew my answers did not lie within those pages. Something very important was miss- ing from my life, but I didn’t know what it was.
Eventually, both my husband and I left the banking system, opened a small business, and raised our three sons. The metaphysical world lay dormant in my life for a time.
Then, in the mid-1980s, my parents became ill— both with degenerative, terminal diseases. My father suffered from Alzheimer’s, and my beautiful mother from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (commonly known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease). They both transitioned to “the other side” in the spring and summer of 1990—my mother in April, and my father in August.
Having to witness both of my beloved parents suffer through these two horrific diseases propelled me firmly and fully onto my path as a spiritual Seeker, and I have never looked back.
Throughout the years of 1987 to 1990, I avidly searched for any information I could find about life, death, God, the afterlife, near-death experiences—anything that would bring answers to ease the pain of watching two people I loved so much suffer.
My father’s disease caused him to not recognize me, so I was unable to communicate with him, but my mother was mentally alert to the end of her earthly life.
We often spoke about what would or could happen to her soul after the death of her physical body, and she was open to any information I could provide.
She was very interested in learning about the afterlife and was comfortable discussing that sensitive topic, so chatting with her about her illness was not difficult. During these conversations, I asked her to contact me after she passed if she was willing and able to do so. She agreed to grant my request.
About a month after my mother passed over to the other side, I was told by a good friend that a psychic was in the area and was asked if I wanted to go to see her. Of course I said a resounding, “Yes!” It was an amazing experience, and what a special gift she gave to me!
As soon as I sat in front of her, I began to weep and told her my mother had only died a month prior. She smiled and said, “I know; she is here with us.” On that day so long ago, my earth mother gave me a personal message that only she and I would understand. She did indeed contact me!
My earth father transitioned about four months later, and since that summer of 1990, I have received visitations and messages from both of my earth parents.
During one of the visitations, my mother gave me a big hug. She walked toward me with her arms open wide and hugged me. I saw her face, I saw her long, dark hair and her smile. I felt the hug; it was real. The event did not happen in the physical world, it happened in “the astral plane” or “the spirit world.”
When my father stopped by one night, I saw him in a group of people, and his face was very clear. I saw his snowy white hair, his brilliant blue eyes, and his big smile. He took my hand, and we began to dance.
As we twirled around the room, I asked my father, “Can you tell me what it is like where you are?” His smile faded. He said, “No,” and then he was gone. I thought if he ever came back, I would not ask any questions of him!
During my teen years, we often went to a dance in the local town, and when my father danced with me, I was so proud and happy! I loved to dance with him, I thought he was the most handsome dad in the room, and I felt like a princess as we danced around the big hall.
When we are visited by loved ones who have transitioned, they will most often present themselves in a way we find most familiar. Being able to dance with my dad was a very important event in my life, so that is how he presented himself to me.
This part of my writing has a specific purpose, and that is to allow other Seekers to know that there is life after death of the physical body and there are times when our loved ones do contact us if we are willing to receive their messages and presence without fear and if we trust in Spirit. It is also to demonstrate how my own journey flowed and that each step contributed to and enriched my evolutionary process.