I just had a friend write me and say how do you remain so positive?
It’s a good question. I have a great deal of lower-back pain that makes movement difficult. I’m not doing so well myself.
Consequently, I’m not sure what I can tell you! But let me explore it with you.
[Flash of recognition.]
Yes, I am sure. It immediately arose for me or was given to me.
What keeps me remaining as positive as I do under the circumstances is commitment. I gave my word.
My integrity is the one thing stronger than my thoughts and feelings to remind, inspire, and motivate me.
Michael knows this and that’s why he’d say:
“My trust in you is unwavering, [so] that, if we did not speak for a thousand years, you would still be true, and you would continue on in this sacred mission and purpose and you would know, not think, not feel, but know that I am right next to you.” (1)
He’s right. And I plan to deliver on his trust. (Only 986 more years to go!)
Just kidding. But let me return to the pain for a moment. I said earlier that I get 200 years off after this lifetime. (2) Then I have another mission already set.
I believe that it’s material to that other lifetime that I experience old age in this one – in other words, a complete lifetime. It would be helpful to know what people go through. It’s been a while for me.
And that’s why I’m not moaning and groaning about old age per se and aches and pains. I get that it works for me to feel what this is like.
My preliminary opinion? Old age is not a lot of fun. But, in it, I can still draw love up from my heart and thus maintain my happiness.
Aches and pains and illness and injury are no fun no matter what age we incur them at. If I recall correctly, the Buddha named old age, sickness, and death as the major causes of suffering from which Ascension, nirvana, moksha [liberation] was the answer. I get a pass on the last one, but I believe I’m being given the experience of the first two.
Just as my spiritual experiences have been toned down, so my medical events seem to clear up afterwards in record time. And then I’m back on an even keel. Suspicious. My hypothesis is that the Company of Heaven are playing a role in them as well. (3)
If I’m right, this back pain should clear up too. In fact I feel inspired to do some specific exercises and get to work on it. And invoke the universal laws. This pain serves no useful purpose in my life and I’m ready to be rid of it.
But back to what we were discussing. It was my Mother who gave me an appreciation for keeping my word. It was just taken for granted. “Steve, you gave your word.” “Yes, Mom.” It was that simple.
Such is the deep, internal love I feel for Michael and the Mother that I probably would keep hacking away at a coal face for a thousand years if I was told that that served them.
This is the answer to my friend’s inquiry. What keeps me going and going and going is simple.
It’s not my thoughts. It’s not my feelings.
It’s that I gave my word.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 21, 2012. [Hereafter AAM.]
(2) Archangel Michael: When you complete this mission, you are allowed to have 200 years off. But what you do with that is up to you, dear one! (AAM, Dec. 18, 2012.)
AAM: You will have a choice of planetary systems. This is just the warm-up for that Ascension. It is to bring a further rise of vibrations to those throughout the Universe. (AAM, Sept. 13, 2011.)
(3) Well, I know they are. Here is Michael revealing that he gave me a superbug in the hospital to oblige me to kick back:
Steve: Did you bring on the onset of MSSA [Methicillin-Susceptible Staphylococcus Aureus, a superbug] to have me relax and just spend some time in the hospital?
AAM: Yes.
Steve: I thought you did! Oh, boy. That is so funny!
AAM: There is a part of you, even when we suggested to you that timeout was required, that doesn’t know what that means.
Steve: Yes, that’s right. That’s why you called me “wildcard” to [Blue Star], right?
AAM: Yes and your Higher Self, your Universal Self has given permission for these overrides.
Steve: I thought it was funny when it happened. I could see your hand in it. (AAM, Nov. 26, 2019.)
I have given him blanket permission for all such interventions.