Mobs can be manipulated
As far as I can see, the Biden Presidency may be about to come apart over classified information being stored where it shouldn’t be and proof from Hunter Biden’s laptop that some of the stored documents were sold to foreign buyers.
Meanwhile an alleged Pfizer executive has just revealed that Pfizer is doing gain of function research on the Covid virus and pre-emptive development of “vaccines” under the rubric “directed evolution.” They see viruses and vaccines as “cash cows,” according to the exec. (1) If true, and it sounded convincing to me, the public may reach its boiling point with Covid.
That means that these could become perilous times. Never mind that the cabal will fight for its life, switching from asking for proof to attacking the person (ad hominem).
When the proof is produced, they dismiss it. And they increase the personal attacks the more desperate they get. That’s one thing we’ll have to contend with.
But the second is much more dangerous. In the face of their unwillingness to surrender and having been victimized by cabal mobs for years if not decades, lightworkers/white hats could become enraged and become their own mob.
Michael addressed this possibility and I’d like to work some of his comments in here because I fear us becoming a mob – offline and online – in coming days.
He began by explaining that “part of the chaos [is that] there are many beings who are leading not from the love, but from their mental/emotional bodies.” (2)
Given my own model of intellectual/emotional/realizational knowledge, I think he’s saying that we’re coming from an intellectual place of right/wrong, good/bad, judgment, and punishment, not from what love dictates.
We’re still stuck in thinking (that’s the main problem. Just kidding!) that being right is the ultimate goal. No, being loving is.
“But that is alright,” Michael says. “It has need to come to the surface so they can move forward to a deeper level. The question will always be, as we have just discussed, do they choose to move into a deeper level.”
Or do we choose to become a new mob, crowd, mass? He says:
“What is going on – and it is rampant – and what is somewhat distressing on our side, given we are trying to practice the Mother’s infinite and eternal patience, is that there is a growing push by everybody concerned, in this melee of chaos, that the ends justify the means and they do not.”
Even Project Veritas filming folks unawares is the end justifying the means, as happy as we are to have the information.
There’s no justification for us becoming a new mob and seeking revenge on the cabal, such as the cabal has with us. He counsels us:
“We would strongly advise you to … back away from the chaos and the drama. Do not be the active participant. It can only distract you. This is massive distraction and so many are engaging in the blame-fault-shame-guilt game and that is of the old third.”
I’m very much aware that executions are going on and I have that in mind in what I say here. The end doesn’t justify the means.
Once we become an online mob, discernment, respect for others, logic, everything we value goes out the window. What took years to build is destroyed in a few months or days.
When we think we’ve won is when we have the most to fear from our own behavior.
Peaceful protests are fine but right now they can be subverted, as Jan. 6 showed. And the incentive to subvert them increases as the cabal gets more cornered and desperate. We have to be more careful than we’ve ever been.
If we drag ourselves back into deep Third-Dimensional density, the cabal has won. Michael concludes:
“If there is a conspiracy, and there are many, the greatest conspiracy is to have the human race re-engage, re-energize the old false paradigms of the old third of which fault and blame and shame and guilt are primary.”
Remember? Divide and conquer? Problem, reaction, solution? The use of agents provocateurs such as at Jan. 6? We aren’t out of the woods yet.
If we turned into a mob, we’d be easily misled, easily steered. And we’re up against practiced professionals in the intelligence and military fields.
I know it’s been said many times before, but, if you’ll allow me to say it with emphasis again, it’s essential that we remain calm in the weeks and months ahead.
In my opinion, we have to resist forming or joining a mob. Just as we resisted it from the vaccine side, now we must resist it from the lightworker/white hat side.
Or we lose.
Regardless of what we do or don’t do, as I see it, only from the balanced center (the heart) can wise decisions be made in a time of chaos. And only from the heart can the answer come to all this. And that answer is, and will always be, love.
(1) See Tucker Carlson report at https://tinyurl.com/yckkj74w.
(2) All quotes are friom Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 5, 2016.