I found this message to be especially touching, coming from one who expects to be moving on to his next mission, beyond the limitations of life on this Earth plane. Many of our readers are Elders, and it’s unimaginable to me what it’s been like to have an additional 20 or 30 years in the rear-view mirror anticipating and hoping for the Shift of the Ages.
May all those desiring to have the experience of ascension with the physical vessel intact be granted that honor…and may all those whose agreements include an early check-out be well blessed on their respective journeys.
What is about to come to an as yet undiscerned resolution will likely create an upchuck of humanity’s precious unexamined beliefs of the religious “truths,” the puzzles of the scholarly archeologist, and the custodians nobly hiding the truth of Earth’s authentic history from the masses for some still not understood ego-based reason.
Surely I do not have to tell you, friend Suzanne, there are so many of you/us seasoned (or should I say battle-hardened) ground troops who’ve been through this before; alas, even more than once.
And dammit, we’re tired!
The good news is that Gaia, (Gi’da) will not have to vacate the dimension called Three for a loooong rest sans us hybrid humans while she continues on all the other frequencies and dimensions. That eventuality is cancelled.
Nor will the aptly termed Photon Doctor be required to do his always quite thorough hoovering of discordant energies on 3D Earth.
The global events seemingly about to pop (or blossom if you prefer) surrounding our spiritual family are simply the knowledge that you and your faithful readers and contributors have known for, oh, god only knows how long.
It is just as likely to freeze a good many of our kinfolk in their tracks, asking both internally and out loud ~ “If all this is true, well then, what’s left for me to believe in?”
I am reminded of a pragmatic ancient reply to such plaintive pleas: “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King!”
Friend Suzanne, my question is whether our still-asleep sisters and brothers will choose to awaken in “time.”
You and I know that right now, in 209 countries, the best-of-the-best, loving, most experienced family of light are incarnated…and still more are being born each day. Our only weapons are our hearts and our unshakeable love.
Math question; can one percent of eight billion humans balance out the 99% sleepyheads?
I first got into this (In this life) in 1952 or 1954 with my old friend George Van Tassel out at Giant Rock in the California desert. Innocent me, I thought everyone there had received a true moment of epiphany. I was heading for my last class at university (UCLA) while stopping in a bookstore on the edge of the campus.
On an open tray was a book, Flying Saucers Have Landed by Desmond Leslie and George Adamski. I put down my backpack and stood, quite literally reading it from cover to cover while the late afternoon became dinnertime. I still have that book in my library.
Memories began flooding in…and as with so many of your colleagues, the door to remembering opened wide enough to keep it so through the decades, all the way to today.
Realistically, everyone in our intimate lives has natural higher-sense gifts. Some do it with audible channeling, some with fingers on a keyboard.
My gift has always been walking timelines; most in our Galaxy, some elsewhere. Having been a sometime-starving writer in what is now romantically (and inaccurately) called Old Hollywood, I still tend to view mine and other life patterns as simply films in a long movie career…some have great endings, some are legendary musicals with a marvelous score played by a 90-piece orchestra.
…and we all have had (and wince over) a few real stinkers!