Truth is not a side you can take.
Truth is the fertile soil through which life’s highest expansion is inspired by the circumstances coming and going.
Truth is not a side you can take.
Truth is a space of equality where each difference is accepted as a means of serving the needs and aspirations of all.
Truth is not a side you can take.
Truth is the love within all that makes everything right through a remembrance of interconnection.
Truth is not a side you can take.
Truth is the very breath you breathe offering nourishing support to resolve the hunger aching in every heart.
Truth is not a side you can take.
Truth is the liberation freeing you from your own unending process, offering the opportunity to contribute in the lives of those deficient of the basic needs you may have never gone without.
Truth is not a side you can take.
Truth is the evolution of Spirit— made manifest into form by the contributions you make. Whether in this breath or each moment throughout, may you deepen your connection with the glory of truth by becoming the grace of inspired action you yearn to see in our world.
As always, if we look for the good in life, we can see it all around us. I’m here with you all the way.
All for Love,