by Digger Barr
Let’s see if I got this straight.
The man sniffs and fondles kids in plain sight.
His own family reports he has done far worse.
Evidence that is held back is reportedly repugnant.
His own son fears him and we can only ask why.
The why is known by the very authorities we would expect to handle such matters.
Anyone of the general public would be incarcerated for less.
Police at their door and DHS removing any children from the house.
A sex offender is typically listed in order for parents to have full awareness.
The highest office in the land is held by a known criminal, a liar, a bully, and an all-round creepy guy.
His mental health has failed. He is not logical or even cognizant of his surroundings a good deal of the time.
His track record for holding office, working on matters of state, foreign or domestic could be rated as F- and yet he is fully supported by elected officials.
At the minimum he should have been impeached, medically released or voluntarily stepped down.
Meanwhile, our economy has tanked, the state of the union is in ruin, people are dying from health programs, banks have mismanaged our finances, the stock market is a scam, the future of businesses is bleak, our food is poison, the water is lethal, the air is toxic and this guy…
This guy sends trillions of dollars overseas to support his business investments.
Ok ok I get it.
We are told that that isn’t even him.
It’s an actor with a mask.
Does that mean we should be okay with it then?
It is all part of a movie.
There are bigger things going on.
It has to happen this way
It’s to wake people up. Umm..
And now the fall of the big guy is going to be….he left papers sitting in the garage.
We can see that this may be effective and other things are starting to happen.
It just doesn’t smell right.
We want the real reason brought out front and center.
We have to be patient. Easier said than done.
It is coming to me now. This is an information war.
So he needs to be taken down by mismanaging information?
Right. Sarcasm in full monty here.
Right. That makes me feel better.
We are aware this is a battle for the whole of humanity and beyond.
But whoever is writing this script is also writing a historical document.
I do believe this will go down as one of the most ludicrous stories ever written.
Almost surely rejected by any publisher as pure bullshit.
No one would buy it.
Couldn’t our story be more gallant.
Couldn’t we at least have some known moments of glory.
Like when the Alliance rallied and shot down the death star.
Or when the Ewoks engaged to overcome a battalion.
They got to hold a celebratory bonfire to feel good about a momentary success.
If this is a movie, please write in some scenes for motivation.
If we are the boots on the ground, a little respect along the way would be greatly appreciated.
We need inspiration.
We are humans not paper dolls.
We need and want respect, truth and transparency.
This is the way of honor.
This is the way to induce patriotic battle cries.
We got this.
But apparently swallowing a bitter pill of stupidity is the chosen way.
I look forward to reading the real story.
I beg there is a version of truth that will come out so that we can get and give some acknowledgment for our success.
For the success of the Greatest Victory ever achieved.
In the end we will be victorious.
That has been written.
That will need to be our trophy.
As far as trophies go, that really is the only one we need.
On some level we endure the rest of this movie.
It’s not over yet and we may not enjoy the rest of the script.
Let’s remember that we are all powerful creators.
We don’t need to sit on the couch and just watch.
Why would we give our power away yet again?
It is time for us to take action for ourselves.
This is our world. Let’s engage and do something about it.
Watching this movie and complacently complaining makes as much sense as the unfolding corvette chronicles.
The next reel will be real.
This part will be our story to write.
I really look forward to that.
In my version, we will be gallant Gaians.
The world will be glorious.
Kids will be free to be kids.
Nature will brim in brillant health.
Harmony will rule the day.
How can we ask for world Peace when we don’t even get along at home?
How can we be honest through dishonesty?
How can we be true to ourselves?
When we start being truthful with each other.
It starts within each of us.
It starts right here at home.