by Nicky Hamid
Be still mind. There is nothing more you need know.
I AM/WE ARE free.
From this stillness of pristine clarity, Heart song speaks. It is the Master you seek. And here You ARE.
Be still sweet mind.
I So Love You
PS Seek no more the Master within. Higher Self, that voice you hear when you truly Listen is not something separate from you. Own it, allow it, hear it, follow it. IT IS YOU.
I channel no one.
Love, wisdom, clarity, focus is who I AM. Ascended Masters, etc, etc, etc are all my Company. They are all aspects of Who I AM and YOU ARE. They remind me, just as I remind you, and you remind all those who come to you. Sharing and expanding together is the beautiful “name of the game”.
As ONE dear Hearts, as ONE.
Do you get this?
Do you really get it?
Are you willing to surrender and totally commit to the highest frequency (version) of You in every moment
Go to your Stillness..
Find Love and Peace first, then the change happens.
When others say things and we have a reaction it is not about them.
It is about you and how there is a part of you that still needs your Loving. honouring and embrace.
When I see an “imperfection” in others I say “Thank you, thank you for showing me an aspect of me that needs more of my Loving embrace.”
When I take care of me, I take care of All. This is why Self Love comes first.
So I might ask “What other gift has this experience given me. What fractured part of me has it brought back for me to pay attention to, embrace and LOVE that felt separated and rejected?”.
The more we try to shut out or resist an experience the more it is “in our face. Funny that.
So if you cannot change something directly you observe it and allow it to be part of the expression of the Universe at this time.
When there is no opposition and separation then there is space for Miracles to happen because from there it is easy to turn it into something higher.
Easier said than done . I know, but you won’t know its passing until you have Mastered this.
Love is embrace. Love of yourself and your Life as it is, finds a way when there appears to be no way.
Find your own Peace within chaos and the chaos dissolves.
I So Love You