January 10, 2022, via email
Can you relate to this message? I definitely can, certainly in terms of feeling unsatisfied with the current reality…
This time of change, of greater light, of huge expectation moves me to share my path forward as I experience it within. I find that being a pillar and a forerunner in an old body gives me a wealth of material to choose from for expression! Although I thought I’d already learned not to compare myself, I’m learning it once again and appreciating that this is where I am to be right now.
If I’m a pillar, does that mean I’m one of the last to achieve liberation? Is it that I can’t go too far or I won’t want to come back to honor my soul’s plan for this life? Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother have convinced me of this as I complain and ask why I’m feeling every one of my 81 years when this is a time for moving into a lighter space.
- Where’s that 28-year-old body I’ve been visualizing, Mom?
- What about the clear, unblemished skin?
- Is their slow, slow appearance due to my lack of trust or my groveling in the negatives?
- You know, Mom, I’m for the most part a positive person, always looking for the light, the love I know is there. Where in the heck has all my positivity gone?
It might be because I’m such an organized person, but this Leo sun with Scorpio moon does love to plan. So, I’m planning trips for the near future since I don’t appear to be getting much satisfaction from what’s going on with me right now. I find it does help to look ahead at a wonderful river cruise, a family trip to the beach and just ahead a few days to time with dear friends sharing bubbly and snacks on a dock in the shade overlooking the lake.
So, I guess my short-term gratification, friends on the dock, and looking ahead to even more excitement will have to satisfy me for now. But, let me go on record here, Company of Heaven, I’m looking for that 28 year old, unblemished, energetic, cane free body any day now! This body is ready to roll!
God, Divine Mother, Source, Creator, Universe, (not going to leave anybody out here) I am ready for the new life that I came here to experience and share with others, in love, on this beautiful, gorgeous planet.
Game on!