I want to bring a passage to your attention that I think is remarkable for what it says and remarkable that it’s even being said, transcribed, and reported on.
This is after all an archangel talking!!!!!
I was having one spiritual experience after another that was truncated or toned down: What was later described as a seventh-dimensional experience at a meditation retreat, which lacked bliss; an experience of Brahmajnana, also lacking bliss; the sight of the Self, with the Self luminescent rather than brilliant; an experience of exaltation but only for a fraction of a second.
Why are all these events being truncated? Archangel Michael explains but you really have to get behind and underneath what he says – or implies.
He implies a level of “work” with us that I’d never have expected if he hadn’t mentioned it.
I think of this as “oversight.” It nmay also be overlighting; I don’t know. He oversees or watches over our development to ensure the success of our missions.
The way he talks, he had more to do with my upbringing than my parents did.
And my parents didn’t know what he knows.
He sees my tantrums as indicators of resistance to letting go of the old and accepting the new. Just to think that he’s aware of them in this minute a detail is enough of a revelation.
Imagine the degree of scrutiny we’re under that we’re known to this level.
He offered an explanation of the toning down of my experiences that I never suspected.
Steve Beckow: Now, when an experience is truncated how am I to look upon it? That you wish me to write about it as far as I have experienced it? … That you don’t want us to be fully ascended because we will stop serving the Mother in this particular regard if we do? …
Archangel Michael: … There is a process of expansion and acceptance and learning and coming to truly value and love oneself and thereby others. So you have been learning the process as you go.
And the spiritual level of maturity to accept the process… Because we know that there have been many tantrums along the way [true].
Now those tantrums do not upset us but we simply see them as markers about where someone is in their willingness and ability to process the old, to let go of the old and to welcome the expansion of the new.
And if those old vasanas, those old core issues, those old feelings of lack are not healed, then there has not been the readiness for the next step. So that is why it is being truncated.
Steve: I come at it from a different angle and say, “it’s enlightenment itself that is going to heal all the old wounds, etc. etc.” but that’s not necessarily true, is it?
AAM: No. (“Archangel Michael on the Process of Lightworker Expansion and Learning,” September 3, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/09/03/archangel-michael-on-the-process-of-lightworker-expansion-and-learning/).