by Lee Carroll, December 18, 2022, via email
It’s time for you to throw away the idea of a past life, or at least what you thought of were the energies of a past-life experience.
When you become interdimensional, there’s no more linear time, and time and distance are irrelevant.
In this new Earth energy, all of the you of your past lives are together in the now, representing one energy in this lifetime. The is the now lifetime.
Therefore, you cannot even say the words past life.
Your current life is one that has attributes of everything that ever was and the potentials of everything that can ever be.
Welcome to what the masters felt! For this is the same thing that’s the precursor to the DNA activation that they all had.
From Kryon Book XI, Lifting the Veil, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected])