December 14, 2022,
A great many of you are considering yourselves stuck. Dear Ones, you are beings of growth and evolution. The idea that you can be stuck is a myth.
What you experience is either internal growth or external growth. Internal growth is much more difficult to track and quantify, because its effects may seem more subtle. Because you are always with yourself, you don’t tend to notice the incremental changes that occur. You are also not able to see the shifts in energy you are embodying from your vantage point.
External growth is a much more tangible experience, because you can see and measure the change. But what you need to understand is that external growth is a reflection of your internal growth.
So what about the people you see who seem to never change, and who continue to make decisions that take them to less-than-desirable outcomes? They are also moving towards expansion, because ultimately, their choices will lead them to such an uncomfortable place that it will become impossible for them to stay the same. From that point, they will surrender, and true change can occur. For some people, the fastest way to real expansion comes from hitting an energetic bottom first.
If you are already on a path of conscious awareness, you will not need an energetic bottom to get your attention. You are already embracing growth and expansion. So if you find yourself in a phase where it seems like nothing is happening, rest easy in the fact that you are in a phase of internal expansion that is sure to be followed by external proof of the work that you have done.
That is the way of the flow of the universe, and it’s designed to assure your success. So rather than worry, we highly recommend that you use your time to rest, to give your feedback to the universe through your focus and gratitude, and to open to the unfoldment of your most heartfelt dreams.