by Lee Carroll, December 11, 2022, via email
The entire energy around this episode in the play called “Earth” has one name to it ~ and that is love.
We are here to love one another, and if you did nothing more today than that, then when you stand and go from this place when we are finished, you will remember that this day you sat here to be loved.
And as you feel the arms of Spirit around you, I want you to feel the messages as well ~ messages given in The Third Language ~ not the one I’m speaking in, but the language of the new energy ~ the one that is delivered to you energetically, and emotionally [as defined in the last Kryon channelling as a “walking meditation” energy].
This Third Language says this to you: “We know who you are. We know what you are going through. We know what is being presented to you. We are celebrating with you. We are dancing around you. We love you!”
From Kryon Book VII: Letters From Home, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected])