I’d like to share some encouragement during these pressing times from universal logos Sanat Kumara, speaking in 2013.
Following on something he said here, I can certainly vouch for the fact that the Divine Mother, when I spoke to her in a reading or on the radio, showed she knew me inside and out so I have no doubt about what Raj says.
“Transcript: Sanat Kumara Discusses the Law of Unification,” channeled by Linda Dillon, October 1, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/transcript-sanat-kumara-discusses-the-law-of-unification-october-1-2013/.
You, each and every one of you, are an essential part; unique and beautiful, but essential to the whole. Dare I say, to the operational structure of the whole. You cannot build a plane or a complicated piece of machinery and simply omit a ball-bearing or a screw or a piece of metal. It is not possible; the whole thing collapses. It is far too risky.
And so it is with each of you. You are essential components, elements in the Mother’s Plan. She did not birth you and then forget about you. That is not within the realm of possibility. And you think, “but she has birthed so much and so much has been created, how can I matter? How can I count?” It is a very honest and true question that you pose. How can you matter in such a massive expanse of the Universe?
And in your human mind, yes even in your fifth, sixth and seventh dimensional minds, it is boggling to think that in this gigantic Universe that you are not only attended to, and loved, noticed and noted, but essential and critical to the whole.
Otherwise, you would not have been birthed. Otherwise, you would have remained at home. It is not simply that you wished to go exploring, that you wished to move out of home. The birthing of your spark of Love, what you tend to think of as your spark of Light, was very much a planned event. And one that was heralded with anticipation and joy. And that is your birthright. It is the joy of knowing who you are, of your incredible uniqueness, and yet you are completely interlinked to everything else in the Omniverse.
You may try, and each of you has at times, to exclude yourself. And there are certainly times when you have felt excluded, isolated, separated. But it is not of Truth. And it most certainly is not of Love. Let me preface what I say – I do not go into this to bring forth the old paradigm of false blame, guilt, shame; you are done with that. So place it aside.
When you feel the slightest dislocation, emotional, mental, physical – in any way, shape or form – it is not only known but felt; not assumed, but felt and noted, throughout the entire grid. Yes, whether it is a cold or a heartbreak or a financial challenge, a sibling who does not understand and it hurts your feelings, a partner who does not value you, a misunderstanding or a feeling of rejection or loss – this is what we refer to as any feeling of dislocation.
And you can say to me, well, Raj, so much for privacy. And I would say you are correct. But why do I tell you this? Because as soon as that dislocation is felt, assistance in an entire variety of ways that are appropriate to you and to us – rushes to your aid. And when I say “us”, I mean all the Kingdoms of Gaia as well.
So when you feel that you have been forgotten and alone, there are literally thousands, millions of energies that are penetrating you. Breaking down that false idea, but more importantly, touching and filling your heart. The knowing of this connectedness is important. Not simply so that you know that assistance comes to you, but that you know that you also go and send that assistance, and that so much of your work is done in this manner.
We have talked to you about how your enormous energy field transmits so much information, energy and Love not only on your planet and to the Kingdoms, but throughout the Universe. And it is this deep recognition within you of this power that you hold, in the most positive sense of the word.
So it is the collective power that comes together when you are alone; there are times when you are a raging river and very powerful, there are times when you are a trickling stream, but when you consciously come together in the understanding of Unification you are like the Hoover Dam of the Universe.