by Judith Kusel
At soul level you are filled with such beautiful, sparkling and effervescent joy!
You are meant to bring joy into expression, the joy of life, the joy of laughter, the deep joy which dances because it feels so good to be alive and more then this to spread this joy everywhere and on everyone you meet. When joy is bubbling like a fountain, it cannot contain itself. It sparkles and expresses itself. It loves to spread more joy.
When last did you allow yourself to just have fun, to laugh, to dance with joy and to just play and be silly and giggle and have just have beautiful, pure joy and fun?
Don’t let anyone kill your innate soul joy.
And more than this, don’t let it die within you.
You are meant to bring this joyful expression into life and being from deep within you. You are meant to find joy in all and everything.
There is so much in life to spark joy into being – It is when one watches a beautiful sunset, in the laughter of children, it is there in the delight we find when something brings us joy – like flowers, like a hug from a dear friend, and whatever else makes you happy and smile!
Choose to find joy everywhere and you will find it.
Choose to find joy within yourself, and you will find it.
Choose to spread joy and you will find that joy comes back to you with interest!
Joy will blossom forth within you, when you heal the deep emotional wounds and find that inner love, peace and joy. It has never left. It is just deeply buried!
And it so wants to spark forth within you and burst forth outwards to bring joy to all whom you meet!