Losing something we value
Apparently, God’s Will is that we have free will.
And if, in the exercise of our free will, we let something we value slip through our grasp, the Divine Plan can find a workaround so as to preserve our free will and yet manifest the Plan.
It may be that the Golden Age of Gaia is something you value. If so, it’s about to slip from our grasp from a simple lack of funding.
Over the years we’ve reduced our numbers from an original twelve to only three paid staff. These are folks who wouldn’t go no matter how tough things got. Can’t repair the roof. Can’t replace my computer. Workaround. Workaround.
We can’t cut back any further.
We’ve kept the blog free to everyone around the world – no cost and no obligation for access to all its books and articles – even though there are costs for doing so.
However, now, our loans have topped out. Our credit cards are maxed. We’ve exhausted all avenues to keep the blog going.
If we cannot make up our monthly shortfall, the Golden Age of Gaia will have to go into hibernation until the Reval arrives or a beneficiary steps forward willing and able to finance us.
The answer is crystal clear: If we love something, we have to take care of it. We cannot take for granted that it’ll be here forever if we don’t tend it.
If you value our books and articles on what’s occurring in our world from the Company of Heaven’s perspective, now is the time for you to make a donation.
We hope you choose to make not simply a one-time donation, although we very much value it, but a monthly donation, so that we can at last become sustainable. Either way we’re most grateful.
We know that lots of higher-tier beneficiaries have cashed in their historic bonds. Many countries are already on the gold standard which means they’ve revalued. It only takes one lightworker philanthropist to make our operations sustainable. We invite it and would be grateful for it.
Make this a merry Christmas for all of us with a monthly gift towards the sustainability of the blog.
With our thanks and love.
If you have any problems with the donation form below, please “Contact Us.”
We’re replacing the form and streamlining the process. In the meantime, we apologize for any inconvenience.
We Recommend
Option 1. The simplest method is to go to your Paypal account and make a one-time donation to [email protected] and then, if you wish, make it monthly as we hope you will, by instructing Paypal to do so.
You Can also Use
Option 2. To use the Hope Chest form, go to https://hopeche.st/donate/. There you’ll have the choice as to how often you wish to donate and for what amount. You’ll also be able to choose to use either PayPal or a non PayPal-affiliated credit/debit card.
Option 3. You can also donate by check or money order made out to “Hope Chest” and sent to Hope Chest, P. O. Box 2744, San Pedro, Ca 90731
If you have a question or difficulty, please contact Karen at the Hope Chest: https://hopeche.st/contact/