by Lee Carroll, November 27, 2022, via email
Let’s talk about the big issue: Shamans, you are here hearing and reading this. I keep calling you that because I know who you are and who you were. Who do you think awakens now? Who are the first to awaken on the planet in this new millennium to this divine energy?
I will tell you. The ones who awaken now to their spirituality are the priests and the nuns—the monks and the shamans—the medicine women and men of the indigenous people—YOU!
If I could give you a flashback of who you are, those who sit in this room and read these words—that’s who you are. This is not the first time you have awakened to ask about your cellular spirituality.
This is a review, and we said it last time we were here. We reminded you of the vows that you took that passed through the veil, lifetime after lifetime. We asked you to drop these vows. We told you that you could drop the vow of celibacy and being alone.
We told you that in order to focus on God, many of you decided to be poor, and we told you that this vow could be dropped as well. We told you that all of those vows could be dropped. This is information that has been transmitted and transcribed. Perhaps you’ve even read or heard it already?
From Kryon Book VIII: Passing The Marker, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected])