Greetings and Salutations,
Politics is a sh*tload of false shenanigans.
You vote, you do what you can; you support the right upright people and there you go. That is what you all do. The system has been going through shambles for years so nothing here is really new.
So be it. Allow it. But yes, it will come as a shock and as an unbelievable story of the lies and the damages that have been wrong on so many, that will occur soon. There are plans afoot to change the outcome of a lot of things.
There are cracks in the system. Whistleblowers could come forth. There are issues that are straining the minds of those who are involved and/or invested.
There are many divisive issues besides the politico thing. Just be assured that nothing is as it seems and there are plans to undermine the intended outcomes of many of these. There are facts and there are stories, and there are criminals and there are good folk working behind the scenes. Just see what is in your own reality, double it and you get a sense of just how deep all of this goes.
Politics makes for strange bedfellows as the old saying goes. Just be clear and have an open mind and do what you can to make another, yourself and those you encounter happy.
A smile goes a long way and so does a helping hand. Any of those things count far more than you think at the 3rd dimension level. You all take way too much for granted.
Love and Kisses,