I have a small request to make of the powers that be.
I doubt that the White Hats are reading this with bated breath, so my wish may fall upon deaf ears. But, you never know. Just in case you’re listening, dear White Hats, here is my human wish.
Whatever else needs to transpire to complete this giant chess game—Dark Hats and White Hats, intrigue and secrecy—how about giving humanity a break? Not at some unimaginable golden time, but right now, while the rusty machinery of justice grinds imperceptibly forward and liberty hangs in the balance.
Even if nothing appears to change in an undeniable way after the November 8 midterms, just throw us a bone. If things look like same old, same old, please help humanity, the awakening and awakened portion, anyway, avoid the tarpit of despair.
Give us one big arrest. One widely broadcast and irrefutable fact about stolen elections, anywhere in the world. One widely broadcast and irrefutable fact about Covid—many to choose from, pick a card, any card.
Don’t preach to the choir, White Hats. Don’t coyly hide-in-plain-sight these undeniable facts on Rumble and TruthSocial. Force the big boys to cough up one by-gosh truth: CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times. For once, make those bastions of deception shine the light into this miasma of misery where they’ve kept us, these last many years.
I don’t think this is an unreasonable wish, White Hats. I’m not demanding that the avalanche of truth be released immediately. I’m not even asking that you vouchsafe an honest election held in complete accordance with the constitution of the country of my birth.
Just force the mainstream media to parcel out one huge truth. Not next month or next year. Now. This week. Today, tomorrow, the next day.
That’s my wish. All I can add is… Make it so.