Greetings and Salutations,
You CAN all be assured that the outcome is assured regarding the Prosperity Programs ; it is already totally and completely assured. So yep you can take that one to the bank and one day cash it in.
It will happen; it has grown and the outcome is going to be quite favorable. The news out in the varied avenues of the planet has this to report: the growing shrinking but expanding levels of snafus and roundups of the corrupt and downright criminal elements had been engaged in rounding up the tiers that are visible; there are many who are hiding behind facades and posts that have to be routed out yet and the politicians that are corrupted and on the take are also facing dire, swift circumstances.
You will see all of that in black and white before too much longer. We are all ever watchful and holding the High Watch where needed for the brave and the forces at work to bring about these changes. Nothing can be said as to where but the guardians of freedom and democracy are doing the grunt work in these times you are suffering through. Just get on with it and be willing to be upholders of the good, the true, and the right outcomes.
Love and Kisses,