by Ann Albers, October 29, 2022,
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
How could you ever believe in lack when the abundant generosity of the universe is present everywhere you look in nature? You want love and love is all around. You want to feel secure, and everything you need is there waiting to flow into your life. You want joy, and there is joy at every level – macro and microscopic waiting to be enjoyed.
Look at the flowers that bloom even more after you cut them. They love to delight you. Look at the grasses that, no matter how much you mow, offer a new and softer carpet upon which you can walk, and the animals can graze. Look at the trees, sprouted from seeds often tinier than the tip of your finger, that give with such abundant generosity they support entire ecosystems. The sunlight shines abundantly, and the waters are available for you to pray them into places of need. Your earth, dear ones, is pure love, giving so selflessly and in such abundance that her generosity surrounds you.
“Yes,” you say, “But earth doesn’t pay my bills!””She doesn’t stop people from destroying ecosystems.” “She isn’t bringing me a date!” There are so many arguments defending the illusion of lack. Technically you aren’t being paid by nature, set up on dates, or seeing her influence directly on your political systems. Nonetheless she holds steady in a vibration that supports each and every one of you as surely as God and your angels do the same.
We never waver in holding the vision of all that you desire. We never waver in holding the vision of the best, most loved, most abundant, and joyous, version of you. We never waver in our commitment to call you, with love, towards this reality. No matter how you argue for lack, we hold fast in our knowledge of abundance. No matter how hard you argue that you are unloved or unworthy of love, we love you.
So if you want a relationship because you want to give and receive more love, start to give and receive love where it is readily available…
Let the sunrise caress your face and the breeze tingle upon your skin. Feel the solidity of the earth beneath your feet, securely holding you onto itself in great stability as your planet spins at a dizzying rate through space. Allow yourself to feel soothed by the music of life all around you – the song of the birds, the purr of your kitten, the happy panting of your puppy… your own steady and rhythmic breathing and even, if you listen closely, the life-giving beat of your own heart.
If you want more money, attune yourself to, and appreciate the abundance all around you. Notice the generous leaves that carpet and nourish the forest floor. Imagine the abundance of the oak tree whose acorns feed whole communities of animals. Look at a single plant in a garden, sprouted from such a tiny seed, now giving its food to the masses in as much abundance as it can.
Look at a puppy who gives love with such unselfish and joyous abandon. Look at the worms that till your soil so the plants can grow and the countless types of bees and bats that work tirelessly to pollinate your crops. See how many apples a single tree can give and how a tiny stream can nourish so much life around it.
Dear ones, as you start to tune into the vibrations of love and abundance all around you, absolute magic will begin to unfold in your lives. First of all, you will start to feel better. Nature is God’s news – good news. Nature is abundant, and the truth of Divine abundance feels good. Nature is love made manifest and not trying to be anything else… and love feels good. If you are willing to receive her gifts, both physical and vibrational, nature can help and assist you in finding the frequencies that allow you to receive all else you want.
The subject you ponder in a given moment is far less important than how you feel about it. If you think about money and feel despair, far better to look at a pine tree and notice its incredible generosity, thus tuning yourself to a frequency of abundance in which the money can now flow. If you want a relationship, but thinking of one causes you grief, then turn away and look at the birds who sing for the joy of it and for your delight. Receive the love offered by a single flower blooming only for your pleasure in that moment. Receive the gifts and the love all around you. Let yourself feel your own loving and appreciative heart. Do that often enough, and soon you will fall in love with life and attract love in every area of your life.
You don’t have to think of the things you want to manifest. If they inspire fear, doubt, or pain, better not to think of them at all! Far better to attune yourself in an easier way to the feelings you desire. Then, in that frequency, you will attract all that matches the feeling. Wondering with delight at nature’s capacity to give, her resourcefulness, her support for the life around her, and her unselfish nature will cause you to feel the unblocked support of the Divine. Perhaps, you will realize that you, too, are cared for in an even greater fashion if you can avoid blocking this abundance.
As we have said often, allowing yourself to feel good is allowing yourself to feel God. When you attune to these pure frequencies that nature offers – love, abundance, generosity, joy, peace, etc., you allow yourself to tune into the Creator’s love in a form that has no fear, no doubt, and no blockages to allowing it to flow freely to you.
Nature’s nature is to nurture. Receive her love. The vibrations in the human race are very intense right now, but nature freely offers a constant source of truth, love, peace, harmony, and abundance. Receive her love. Marvel at her generosity.
Let the others around you do as they wish, but know that in your attunement to these higher energies, you can live and incredible life in which all you desire begins to flow to you as generously and abundantly as nature itself.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
~ The Angels