I have absolutely no concern of any coming dates, in the same way that waves at the beach have their unique power but are indefinable one from another.
Everyone who chooses to ascend (put aside the pull of duality and live in “unconditional’ Total Love while still inhabiting a body of form) will do so.
And even so many who as yet are not conscious of it.
And if there is to be a “Great Flash” as so many predict and are waiting for, that awakens everyone on this planet, it does not mean that All will immediately ascend into the “5th dimension.
Rather it will turn everyone consciously around with gaze firmly remembering the LIGHT within and without. Everyone will still have to “do the work”.
It is not something that will happen from outside of you and is done “to you”. It is from within, that you have set out long ago to experience it and it requires of you full conscious awareness, receptivity, and alignment.
But this I not difficult. It is about taking and living your Lovingness as given in this post. Simple honest open and loving practice. And it does not matter whether you have been ‘conscious” for years or you start today.
We are all coming together, we are all on time and we are all playing our part. There is no need to seek it. There is an overriding, unpinning, abiding LOVE WAVE within everything. Love has already found you. All you need to do is to quietly call it and claim it any moment of your day. It is within you now to feel and to choose.
And as you do so you take the expanding Blessings of your Becoming, and every single person, every being, will be touched by your Presence. They will not be able to resist because they too, awake or in a sleep state, will be feeling their own call from you.
Just watch the changes as you “walk “ on your Blessed journey into expanded Being. Watch what happens with every Wave from our Sun.
For everyone who does not see it yet, if you look with the eyes of love, there will be an undeniable opening, subtle shifts in your clarity of Being. Maybe also much mental confusion, and emotional turmoil, but also a markedly increased receptivity to the guidance of your Light and the recognition of others feeling their own lightness emerging.
Ascension is happening now and everyone is on time.
Just relax, you have already claimed it. Just allow for the “magic and the miracles” to make their way into form and experience through the myriad layers of Creation and into the opening hearts of all humanity.
Just Love everything about who You ARE and what you have experienced and are experiencing.
Ascension is not for a chosen few , it is for everyone. WE the People have COMMANDED it.
And So It Is.
Shine On
I So Love You
PS: ASCENSION IS Soul Being called into embodiment. Soul and HUman coming together in Divine Relationship.reflecting the Love of GOD.
It is a Dance, a Soul Song in Total Harmony.