October 16, 2022, jennifercrokaert.com
Following on from my recent posts about the Silver Ray and Disclosure Whiplash, Narendra and I have made a short(ish) video covering these subjects.
The video covers the current energies seen from a Vedic astrological point of view, rather than Western astrological perspective, which provides a slightly different slant on the information, while reaffirming all that we are hearing from astrologers, remote viewers and intuitives everywhere.
It then looks at Disclosure nausea (a far more accurate term) as a side effect of the disclosure process, as many will be unprepared for the sickening depravity that our society has ignored.
Finally, we dip into the Silver Ray energy, the revaluation of silver being just the most tangible, physical expression of the Silver Ray energy flooding through us since the full moon in particular.
I hope you enjoy it ~ Let me know. Love and blessings to you all.
Copyright © 2022 Jennifer Crokaert www.jennifercrokaert.com Check out my YouTube channel!