As I sit down to write this month’s appeal for funding the continuing operation of this blog, I’m reminded of a story that happened several years ago when traveling was still a thing. One of my brothers lives in California, and at the time, he lived with his wife of 30 years or so.
It seems a little weird at this point to describe a relationship that wasn’t super warm and fuzzy; I get along just fine with pretty much anyone now. “Not warm and fuzzy” may be a generous way to characterize the interactions between my sister-in-law (“J”) and myself, because all of our communications were surface polite, and for what I certainly considered to be both wise and valid reasons.
You know: “Don’t poke the bear,” “Let sleeping dogs lie…” You get my drift.
Anyway, one day, J collapsed on the floor at home, an event that began a rapid deterioration of her physicality to the point of being checked into Hospice only three short months later. Many different cancers had taken over her entire body, the cause of which may only now be coming to light.
My daughter and I had planned a trip to California well before the day of J’s collapse, and it just so happened that while we were out there, the location of my visit with J was to be at Hospice. I walked into her rather large room and saw a bed against the wall with someone in it. Approaching the bed, I glanced at the occupant and caught my breath! The person in there under the covers was literally skin on bones, a barely recognizable, previously plump and round J.
I was literally shocked at her appearance. My brother had offered a warning that she was unlikely to recognize me, but when our eyes met, there was no mistaking that more than our physical eyes were involved. The true heart knows no insult. Nothing that came before that moment mattered. Everything that wasn’t she and I disappeared for a brief instant, and we knew one another…underneath it all dwelt a profoundly surprising, great and abiding Love.
I dropped to my knees and wept at her bedside, for an eternity or for a few minutes…I can’t recall. I also don’t have good words to describe what came after; the visions, the prayers, invocations…
A good friend of mine is caretaker for a husband that she was about to divorce. He was a smoker all his life, and weeks ago, he finished a difficult round of chemotherapy for his lung cancer. Instead of enjoying her long-awaited freedom, she’s now tasked with seeing to the needs of a man who’s been a source of pain and unhappiness in her life. Is she complaining? Not even a little bit.
It makes my heart swell to witness how she’s choosing to approach her situation, and we know there are many such selfless care givers in this world, sometimes to their own detriment. Honestly, this friend doesn’t even have much awareness of Ascension, and she’s embroiled in a world of jab-shaming (she won’t get it). It makes the stand she’s taking that much more touching and inspirational.
What is it that brings us to leave behind our differences and just get down to doing what needs to be done? Plain and simple…it’s love, and it’s our innate goodness that shines through in the darkest of moments.
I recount these stories because they’re relevant to this current, unfolding moment in Earth’s history. It’s a time of coming together to find common ground. We can’t afford to hold grudges against our fellow Humans, family or otherwise, because collectively, we form a complete whole, unfortunately in opposition to an enemy that we didn’t even have awareness of until recently.
Unity has become ever more important and critical to our being ready and available for rising up to a better place in this Ascension process. We do need to understand the importance of empowering ourselves and one another, dropping our perceived injuries and embracing the fact that we’re all in this together. That doesn’t mean allowing transgressions to take place, but what it does mean is that we have choice about what we bring to any conflict and how we choose to deal with it, taking personal responsibility for what part we play and how we might contribute to escalation, or to peaceful resolution.
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