By now, we’re all pretty solid on the idea that nobody, including our friends in the rafters, knew how long it would take for us to win our Freedom. With so many moving parts to this cosmic level unfolding, who could? I think it’s all a surprise for the Creator, too.
You may be familiar with the work of J.R.R. Tolkien in the form of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and hopefully, not only by watching the movies. This particular piece of fiction is best in print, in my admittedly highly-biased view.
In any case, within those epic works of literature is a place called Hobbiton, in The Shire. It’s peaceful and lovely there, and things go on year after year as they always have, with much respect to tradition and family/community values. The Shire is inhabited by a race of people called Hobbits, and throughout the entire story, Hobbits show themselves, when removed from their idyllic bubble of normalcy, to be masterful at adaptation, as strong as the bravest of warriors, and made of considerably tougher stuff than, perhaps, anyone could have guessed.
I’ve started to see Humans in much the same light. We’re here on the surface of the planet, only recently freed from the reincarnation cycle that kept us looping and looping through lifetime after lifetime, entirely forgetting most of what we gained from prior experience and living through both profound and challenging times; our lives have been far less about thriving than they have been about surviving.
How much of the Earth walk has been of our own doing, to grow and expand, thereby bringing more experience and wisdom to the Creator? How much has been utterly hijacked in order to bind us into karmic cycles with no end, leaving us to unknowingly serve a decidedly negative-for-Humanity agenda? Is everything that happens here truly by agreement?
What it comes down to is that there’s inherent goodness to Humans that brings us to be kind to others and to have a mind towards building and maintaining a successful and thriving society. We’re literally hard-wired to need one another and to work together to make sure that we all have a good life, clean water to drink, healthy food to eat and loving community.
It’s up to us individually to come into perfect alignment with the Divine Plan, and to find ways to navigate this reality with as much joy and happiness as we can manage. Kind of a tall order, for sure…and it requires a Big Picture view. That’s something that Ismael Perez’ information provides for me; an expanded, cosmic view of this Earth experience and my part in it. The view from altitude is actually pretty great.
The way this world and our very lives have been twisted into various forms and levels of survival has made us withdraw from one another in fear. There are beings committed to fomenting the separation between us that actually fuels our core Human fear of being separate from our Creator; and the subsequent isolation and loneliness ends up being reflected in our own lives. As Lightworkers, we seem to generally be born into families that don’t really get us. We might have spent a good part of our lives not even getting our own selves!
Where has that gotten us? Right where we are, many struggling financially, dealing with any number of emotional, physical and mental issues that may or may not be our own. It makes no sense to write up a list of all the miseries that Humans have endured here in this lowest of densities.
The point I want to make, though, is that we’re here! We show up every day and do what needs doing, even if interest in much of anything is at a record low ebb, and even if something happens every single day that presents itself to drag the vibe down. That’s when we need to take a little pause for a shift in perspective, and by now, hopefully we all have a default procedure for what to do when something comes along to crash our personal frequency.
We have in our hearts and in our very bones the innate intelligence to know that we don’t come from here. This is not our first rodeo, and every cell of these vessels we inhabit vibrates with the truth of where we come from and who we are. We don’t give up, because even if we don’t know what, exactly, we’re supposed to be doing; we manage to be kind always, we work out how to keep going and we do it, all with a mind to raising the collective of Humanity up into a better place.
Seriously, if you wake up and manage to breathe all day long, that all by itself is a great and noble service. This Human gig is not easy.
Blessedly, along the path, we find ways to laugh, and maybe even sing, to create beauty and learn about ourselves and our place in Creation. We find ways to connect with others and to find common ground with them. This world is also filled with exquisite beauty, so there’s a great abundance of things here to bring us Joy while we hold steady, anchoring the very highest frequencies that we can manage to move through our physicality.
Happily, the energies flowing abundantly to us and to Gaia…saturating us, really ~ they seem to be all about integrating who we are … our core selves; the ones dwelling in higher dimensions while we fight the good fight down here. And it is a fight, make no mistake.
We literally all are living in trust mode that everything that we feel in our bones to be so really and truly is. That, all by itself, is a very great power, because we’re reaching into the Quantum Field for what we’ve actually already created for ourselves.
Think of the Love, the ultimate confidence and trust it would have taken for us to agree to descend into a vessel of smaller stature and diminished powers (think Hobbit) to then engage in battle with an ancient and powerful enemy.
We did that. Not only did we step into the challenge and endure it for far, far longer than anyone anticipated, we’re managing to shake off the veils of forgetfulness and embrace our innate Divine Nature at the same time. Every individual human epiphany now enhances the collective vibe. Every aspect of ourselves that we integrate and start to work with bumps us all up ever higher.
So truly and sincerely, we can say to one another, to our fellow Earthwalkers and Lightworkers ~
“Thank You for being here!”
Those who can maintain a clear and open heart will be able to hold space for the ones who are still deeply embroiled in circumstances that make such things challenging at best. We’re consciously and lovingly doing this together…