Want to be happy.
Simply choose it in any given moment. Choose to watch what is happening within your body and then drop any thought that is aligned with “not happy”.
Take yourself to a thought that aligns with a feeling that is aligned with being happy.
The more you do this the stronger it becomes part of your Being.
Contemplate the feeling for you in words like “content”, “enjoy”, “delight”, “competent”, “capable”, “prosperous”, “cheerful”, etc…..
Unhappiness is an unconscious habit.
Happiness is a conscious choice of Being.
Shine On
I So Love You
PS Haven’t you noticed that you can be so down right cantankerous and stubborn about staying in the “poor me” mood , or any other mood for that matter. This is ego. It would rather be right about your familiar misery than wrong because you have the power to change in any given moment. Silly human.
How.3D of You.