August 8, 2022,
Dear Ones, you don’t create the life of your dreams by finding things to say no to. You find the life of your dreams by finding what your heart can give a resounding yes to. Saying no will never light you up the way a heart-centred yes can.
So allow yourself to see what doesn’t resonate with you as the energy saying, “Not this way”, and rather than entering into resistance with it, accept it and allow yourself to redirect into what feels more joyful, expansive, and supportive. You were never put on the planet to conquer the no’s but rather to discover the yes’s that light the way into your highest self expression.
August 9, 2022,
There is a difference between knee-jerk resistance and discernment. Resistance is judgemental and avoidant while discernment takes the time to feel into something before deciding whether it is a match for you or not.
The first is a reaction, the second based in conscious awareness. Reactivity is often a clue that there is something within you that is seeking healing around that theme or energy, while conscious awareness is more curious and neutral, and comes from a balanced place.
To proceed in your life in a way that can get you where you truly wish to go, we highly recommend you wait until you can find your balance and can look at any situation from a place of wisdom before you take action. Your heart-centred choices will always lead to satisfying and empowering results, while resistance and reactivity will keep you on the merry-go-round of what is unwanted.