We’re committed to the New World Order (NWO) stepping down from all positions of power worldwide and the introduction of the G/NESARA abundance and political reforms. (1)
The plan already exists to create a New Earth once the danger from the NWO ceases. For this to happen, the world has to wake up to the peril it faces. The Freedom Convoys are an important instrument in waking people up.
They’re also showing the people of the planet that we can organize as a globe to take effective action for the public good. And that we won’t allow those organizations to be corrupted again, as they have been. The truckers convoys are for the public good of the entire planet.
We invite folks around the world to use social media to organize and make their voices heard. No, you’re not a trucker, but truckers have given you this opportunity.
My main source of information will be Telegram.
Allow Tweets up to a minute to open. Almost all have videos that take time to load
(1) See “Bibliography on NESARA/GESARA and the Reval,” March 21, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/03/21/bibliography-on-nesara-gesara-and-the-reval/
“Now is the Time”: European General Strike called for Feb. 21, 2022
Trucking to a Better Future, Worldwide
Wellington NZ tonight … errr, last night?
Dutch police blockade protesters
More cowards and deceitful police, this time in Holland. Dutch Truckers are held hostage by the Dutch police.
The Dutch Police appointed an area near a stadium where they could stay the night but betrayed them & locked them in. Is this the police we want? We need a new force, our force, the police is beyond reformation. Share to make a new force, a Truckers Police Force.
Between Rotterdam and Utrecht
Happening now: Trucks on the move between Rotterdam and Utrecht, Netherlands
Let the world know, share and follow us for updates, we will bring the Covid fraud down
Unmasked Polish woman refused entrance to big-box store and pepper sprayed
Is it true that this is happening in Poland?
And people look at it so calmly?
Polish folks in Canada
Calmly, with joy for freedom, Poles are not joking: It is our freedom that’s at stake!
Picture of the Month
Not sure where this convoy is in Europe, but it’s impressive. Not many of them truckers, too!
Trudeau takes questions on invoking the Emergencies Act
Canadian banks can close accounts
Chrystia Freeland announces banks can close accounts. One by one our freedoms are being assaulted.
Ontario, Canada, Premier Doug Ford announces an end to proof of vaccination cards
Convoy in Vancouver, BC, Canada
About two miles from me! Go, truckers, go!
Canadian veterans in support of World Freedom Convoys
Canadian military is not behind the government
Faceoff somewhere in Canada
Hug for a policeman
Some hugs in Ottawa today, not all cops are bad some support the movement and don’t fine the truckers.
Wish I was there!
Looks like fun!
Ottawa supply camp back to normal
One of the locations where fuel was seized by the Ottawa Police this past Sunday.
Fuel has been returned to the site and it is back to its normal operation of supplying fuel to the truckers here in Ottawa.
At Vancouver border crossing
Near Vancouver at the US-Canada border.
What the politicians are up against
… We the people.
Am I a white supremacist?
Ottawa provisions the ones who bring the provisions
The “Wall Mart” on Kent Street.
Join the party!
Protest to expand?
Is this what will bring a worldwide lockdown?