The Divine Mother incarnated as Mary, the Mother of Jesus
I’ve drawn all the messages from the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon that I could find and compiled them into one book. The “Introduction” follows.
Who is the Divine Mother?
In her eternal form, the Divine Mother is not an ascended master. She’s not an archangel or seraph. She’s not a god among gods.
She is the active face of God.
As long as the One remains passive, ancient sages and the Mother herself have called that divine state of consciousness God the Father.
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When the One stirs and brings objects into creation, preserves them for a time, and transforms them, they called that state of consciousness God the Mother. Sri Ramakrishna explains:
“When I think of the Supreme Being as inactive — neither creating nor preserving nor destroying — I call Him Brahman or Purusha, the Impersonal God. When I think of Him as active — creating, preserving, and destroying — I call him [the Mother,] Sakti or Maya or Prakriti, the Personal God.
“But the distinction between them does not mean a difference. The Personal and the Impersonal are the same thing, like milk and its whiteness, the diamond and its lustre, the snake and its wriggling motion. It is impossible to conceive of the one without the other. The Divine Mother and Brahman are one.” (1)
The Mother is the Father, as Sri Ramakrishna emphasizes:
“O Mother, Thou art verily Brahman, and Thou art verily Sakti. Thou art Purusha [Divine Person, Father] and Thou art Prakriti [Creator, Mother]. …
“Thou art the Absolute, and Thou dost manifest Thyself as the Relative.” (2)
The Mother herself uses this naming convention:
“Consider with me for a moment what the Mother Energy is. There are reasons why you have this paradigm, this archetype.
“It is the Mother Nurturer. It is the Mother Disciplinarian. It is the Mother who ‘course corrects’ you as you grow. It is the Mother who sees you grow into the truth of fulfillment, the evolution of your maturity on every level.” (3)
She differentiates herself from the Father by identifying herself, as Sri Ramakrishna said, with movement:
Divine Mother: I am known as … dynamic action, as movement, as constant change, as fulfillment. Sometimes you tend to think of me as the Holy Spirit, but there is more to me than that. … I am known by the movement within you and the movement within your Earth, within all things, within all universes. (4)
Here go more of my theories into the wastebasket. The Mother is much more than the Holy Spirit. Note to self: Update the file.
When she says “It is the Mother who sees you grow into the truth of fulfillment, the evolution of your maturity on every level,” she’s just acknowledged a hugely significant fact for me. I have to back up a moment to get to it.
From a vision I had in 1987, (5) I know that the individual soul journeys from God to God. I know that the purpose of that journey is for God to meet God in a moment of our enlightenment.
For that purpose, the One stirs itself to create a world of matter, mater, Mother.
This created world of matter is a school in which we Children of God, the third member of the Trinity, learn our true identity as God. Solving that puzzle is what the Mother has created all of this for.
And here, the Mother has just acknowledged this interpretation. One theory down and one theory up.
She has acknowledged that it is she who raises the divine Child to full awareness of its true identity as God. She then, metaphorically speaking, conducts the Child to the Father. We are hearing reality affirmed at the very highest levels.
Meanwhile, the One is unknowable. The One does not speak. The One does not stir – in material terms. Love flows in the One, I’m sure. But material things do not.
The Mother is all of God we’ll ever know – for two reasons. One, God exists beyond knowledge. Thus we cannot “know” the One. Two, if we fully “knew” the One, we’d have merged with it, at which point “we” would cease to exist. Who then would be there to “know” the One?
The Mother is known to all religions – as the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to Christians, Wisdom to Solomon, Shakti and Kali to Hindus, Aum/Amen, Procreatrix/Prakriti – the list of her names goes on and on.
No matter what form of God we worship, we’re really worshipping her.
She tells us that she is much bigger than Shakti, so big that we could not imagine it.
Divine Mother: When I have spoken about … Shakti, I have spoken about a part of me. … She is not the totality of my being. My being is bigger than you can fathom, dear one. … I do not simply mean that she is an aspect manifesting. But it is simply larger than any of you can imagine, particularly at this point. (6)
Ancient sages would have fasted forty days and forty nights in the desert to catch even a whisper from the Divine Mother, the sight of her hem as she passed by, or a taste of her bliss.
Today, Linda has presented us with several hundred pages of the Mother’s teachings. I don’t know about you but I’m going to be poring over these pages. The number of spiritual verities she’s confirmed or clarified for me is like the California gold rush was to miners. (7)
This generation has been incredibly fortunate to have this unfettered access to the Divine Mother and I hope it continues.
Linda’s channelings are the clearest I’ve heard. I have no illusions about the challenges of channeling the Mother. I was told that Linda meditates hours before channeling her. And frequently she says that the Mother converses with her during the night.
I see in this book that Linda has been channeling the Mother for more than twenty years. My hat’s off to her for valor and determination. It’s been a pleasure working with her on InLight Radio and in personal readings.
May we all ascend together and find in our new vibratory home fulfillment of all we’ve been seeking. May the Mother’s talks here smooth our path. And may she and the archangels be there to welcome us and introduce us to that answer to everything awaiting us there – the inner tsunami of endless love.
Steve Beckow
Golden Age of Gaia
(1) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Nikhilananda, Swami, trans. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 123.
(2) “The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/17/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.
(3) “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: New Year’s Message 2017,” December 29, 2016, through Linda Dillon, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/12/31/new-years-message-2017/.
(4) “The Divine Mother: Come to Me,” ibid.
Surprised at her informality? Consider this:
Archangel Michael: We do not want anything capitalized. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 12, 2016. Hereafter AAM.)
Steve: I didn’t know if I was being too familiar.
Archangel Michael: You know what? We want you to be familiar. (AAM, Jan. 3, 2017.)
(5) I had a vision of the entire life journey of an individual soul from God to God. A description of it appears here: “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/13/the-purpose-of-life-is-enlightenment-ch-13-epilogue/
(6) “The Divine Mother: Come to Me,” ibid.
(7) For example, the Mother has confirmed for me, in full or in part, the following spiritual connections. To a student of cross-cultural spirituality, these are like my foundational principles:
God the Father, God the Child, and God the Mother = Brahman, Atman, and Shakti = Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;
Creation, preservation, and transformation = The three Gunas (Rajas, Sattwa, and Thamas) = The Trimurthy (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) = AUM (Akar, Ukar, and Makar) = a subset of the Divine Mother.
Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi, Vijnana = Nirvana, Buddhahood = Salvation, Redemption, and Rapture = mukti, moksha, liberation = Ascension, Fifth Dimensionality.
Where else could I get this level of confirmation? I could not. The Mother is the last word.
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It's All a Journey of Love