There are days I lose myself or a better way of putting it I find myself in an energetic outfit of a precious version of me that I don’t recognize, yet find myself being in that moment.
The outfit feels old, tight, uncomfortable, and yet in an instant I am experiencing this older version of me.
I have learned and continue to practice that every previous version of me that has integrated into me, may appear, hand me the outfit we used to wear, and just like that I am acting out her behaviors.
However, instead of getting mad at her, judging her, calling her names or even worse ignoring her, I embrace her. I give her a huge bear hug, because I know where she came from and why she has chosen the behaviors, beliefs, and thoughts that are stamped on the outfit she wears.
I also know that she’s a version of me and not all of me. She is invited to be here but not take center stage.
She can hang out at the table with me for she is an aspect of me, but she is not at the head of the table any longer.
The version of me that I am now is at the head of the table, and I’m proud of who I have integrated into and am showing up as today.
I do not deny, ridicule, or ignore any aspect of me. I know as I practice sovereignty that all versions of me are safe to be within me.
They never go anywhere anyway. Its a matter of choosing which version is at the head of the table.
If you find yourself experiencing older versions of you, the old, tight uncomfortable outfit is on you, be gentle with yourself. There is nothing wrong with you!
Embrace that version of you with as much love as you can. Gently show her/him to a chair at the table that is no longer center stage. She/he did nothing wrong.
They did the best they could with the tools they had at that time.
This about learning to love and embrace all of us. To choose which version of us it at the head of the table. This is integration back into wholeness, what we have always been!
Be Gentle With You!