Judith Kusel.com
My heart and soul are filled with so much gratitude and awe, as the New Earth is now fully present and indeed the signs are everywhere.
I started my “White Flame” Course this week and had my first Zoom session last night, when I was drawn to go out on my balcony early this morning, I was greeted with this scene!
The Crystal Pyramid Temples of White Flame are now fully activated again, and indeed I was sharing my whole journey of rediscovery with my students last night, and indeed what the Pyramid Technology was all about in Ancient Times.
I have been working intense with the Crystal Pyramids and the Crystalline Pyramid Grids, since 2008 and indeed it came as a confirmation this morning, when I took this photo!
It came as huge sign, for which I am so grateful!
We have indeed stepped over the line, and into the point of no-return in the last three days.
The New Earth is vibrant, alive and the signs are everywhere, if one only has eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart and soul to know!
Within my such joy! I am overflowing with Love.
When one is lifted beyond the beyond and ATONE with All That Is, words are superfluous.
I have had so many tears of sheer gratitude, awe and wonder since yesterday, when I received a message and pictures from a dear friend, and what I was guided to ask her to do exactly one year ago, pertaining to the New Jerusalem rising. She had indeed been true and has kept on doing the same, for a whole year. And now, exactly a year later, so many miracles have occurred as the New Earth and New Jerusalem are rising, and more than this: – to after all these years being called upon to start sharing the inner teachings of the White Flame, is indeed a miracle in itself!
I am beyond grateful!
This is indeed not about me; it never has been – it is about the Divine Masterplan fulfilled itself in the New Earth!
All is sacred and all is sanctified!
We are but actors on the Cosmic Stage.