Sanat Kumara, our Planetary Logos and Keeper of Universal Law, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, tells us Universal Law is how things work, the functionality of the Universe, shared directly from the Heart of One.
SK, with his wisdom, teaches us deeper understanding of Universal Law, that the Law of Attraction and Repulsion is both sides of the scales.
It is the scales of justice,
of worth and of the Universe
in golden balance.
Declaring intention, when we desire something, is the starting point of the Law of Attraction and Repulsion but not the finishing point.
Heavenly Blessings ~ The Universal Law of Attraction
and Repulsion with Sanat Kumara
Meditation at 17:00, Sanat Kumara at 34:43
We can call across the Universe what we wish to bring in from a gold coin, the perfect partner, ideal health, harmonious family to a peaceful planet.
The process of what we do and how we work with this Law is the same for all of these things.
From the core of our heart, the foundation of our being, we call with every part of our being, magnetizing towards us what we desire to experience.
Some things come really easily
because we are accepting of what is possible,
that we are worthy.
Worth attracts worth
It is becoming aware that when we call throughout the Universe, we are calling all beings, seen and unseen, all energy, all delivery mechanisms.
An important part of this is we are not deciding how we receive, only that we do receive, in perfect Loving ease, joyfully calling and receiving.
There is no control in the higher realms.
We are learning that here on Earth, to let go of the human obsession of thinking we need to control how things are delivered.
The Divine Plan is just that — a Divine Plan — everything in Divine Order.
When we call in what we desire, a sense of desperation can come up, the old belief that what we are asking for won’t happen.
All old energies can be brought to stillpoint
in the heart, held for 17 seconds in the heart.
At stillpoint everything disappears into sheer energy, into nothingness.
We can then move into action, not trying to “make things happen” but trusting — in keeping with hope, faith, joy — in the Love of our birthright, our core.
We are sitting in the Love of our heart, our Divine Essence knowing everything is made of the essence of Love, so we are calling that Love across the Universe, across the golden grid to us in Divine Timing.
Archangel Gabrielle and Our Self-Worth
If timing is a factor, we can declare that as well.
As we move through this period of transition on Gaia, there are things that we do not wish on our sacred doorstep or anyone’s sacred doorstep.
This is where we invoke
the other part of this Law,
the Law of Repulsion.
Hatred, greed, racism, all human creations that are not of love, the false grids, the entrenched belief systems can be repulsed back to the Heart of One, from whence they came.
Sheer energies that are abhorrent emerged originally as Love.
We are returning this energy to the Heart of One so it can be restored, renewed, recycled.
An example of this is when we see beings stand up and say, “Enough is Enough” for violence against women and gun violence, gender inequality and racism.
To be clear, we are not repulsing people or nations. We are repulsing the energy that does not feel like love — energy that is not Divine — energy that does not feel like Oneness.
We send this energy back and hang out a “Do Not Trespass!” sign — ENOUGH! — a million miles away from us.
The fastest way to transform the energy of the old 3rd dimension
is to send all lack of self-worth and lack of self-love
back to Source for it to be restored,
invoking the Law of Repulsion.
Jesus Sananda says if we look to the Law of Attraction and Repulsion, we attract Love, we seek Love, we repulse that which is not love — and it begins with the Love of our beautiful, remarkable, holy sacred self — our toes, our fingers, our hair, our face, our stomach.
He says it starts with knowing and Loving how we behave, what we say, what we do, and from there we Love our neighbours, which is every single being upon Gaia.
This Law is the flow of the Infinity because as we Love others that Love grows — the sharing of that Love grows, the experience of that Love grows — and we receive the Love.
It is the balance,
the give and the take,
the above and the below,
and in that we come to know
the Love of Source, of Mother/Father One.
An Invocation for
the Universal Law of Attraction and Repulsion
I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Law of Attraction and Repulsion
calling my birthright — Love — to me across the golden grid,
and I repulse all energy that is not of love back
to Source, never to return again.
The Golden Scales of Justice:
of worth and of the Universe
“Heavenly Blessings: The Universal Law of Attraction and Repulsion with Sanat Kumara,” November 15, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/15/heavenly-blessings-the-universal-law-of-attraction-and-repulsion-with-sanat-kumara/
“Jesus Sananda: My Message Does Not Change,” March 8, 2016, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, http://counciloflove.com/2016/03/jesus-sananda-my-message-does-not-change/
Meditation for the Universal
Law of Attraction and Repulsion
The Law of Attraction and Repulsion teaches us we can attract anything we desire (the more we are in gratitude, our joy!) — that our core is Love and worth, Love attracts Love, worth attracts worth — and repulse back to the Heart of One for instantaneous transmission and transformation (forgiveness of everything) what is not of love and worth.
We see repulsion beginning to happen with gun and other kinds of violence, gender inequality and climate movements to name a few: “Enough is enough.”
17:00 Meditation
So, let’s begin by getting comfortable, by beginning to sink into your chair or your cushion or your car seat or your bed or the floor and let go of the day, let go of the day and the week that lies ahead or the weekend that just completed, let go of your to-do list and to all the busyness of your life.
Make sure you’re comfortable and really let yourself let go of your body so that you can simply be in this time for your sacred self.
We’re going to begin by breathing not only the beautiful gold of Sanat Kumara, of Archangel Gabrielle, of Gabriel, of Yahweh, of your Divine Masculine, but we are going to tinge it with pink.
And it is the pinky-gold of purity, of grace, and of Venus, so its that rose gold.
Open your crown chakra, that soft spot, your fontanel on the top of your head and just allow this pinky-gold, the gold of Venus, of the Cities of Light, particularly of Hana in Hawaii, to come into you.
Its strong and its gentle at the same time and just feel it as this warm molten gold coming in through your crown and caressing and surrounding your pituitary, your hypothalamus, your pineal gland, and just the way lava flows, filling and activating all the fissures, the crevasse, the hemispheres, right and left of your brain, and breathe pink-gold.
And let that lava stream continue on down your neck, your clavicle, your high heart, filling the central column of your spine, into your heart, down into the gold of your solar plexus, your umbilical, your tummy, your sexual and reproductive areas, your organs, your liver, your gall bladder, your kidneys, down into your legs, your knees, your shins, your feet, until you feel that you are this wonderful liquid pink-gold.
And breathe and relax.
And we ask this day for the assistance of all the Golden Ones throughout all systems, the Company of Heaven, to come and assist us with our expansion, with our purity, and with our grace that we may be filled and overflowing and healed.
Now come back up, gently, to your heart, to this center where you live, to the center of your heart consciousness where you truly anchor in the higher dimensions, and feel your heart expanding.
And breathe that rose-gold.
And go deeper.
Now once again with me, see that tiny pin-prick of white light in the center of your heart, the portal to your heart and your heart consciousness, to Who You Are and feel your wings unfurl…
Let them unfurl, and feel yourself flying towards that pin-prick of white light in the center of your heart, through that portal into the golden chambers of your Being, into your sacred space, and breathe.
And look at the walls in this wonderful golden chamber where you have written eons ago and yesterday, your intentions, your sacred purpose, your creations, your heart’s desires.
And take the time to see the symbols, the ancient symbols and the new ones, for you will notice today there is new information on your walls.
So take a minute and look at it, look at what you are telling you.
Now go and find your chair, your cushion, your place to sit and to be in your sacred space and relax.
And we are going to go deeper into your heart, into the core of Who You Are.
I want you to feel, not to think, but to feel what is the dearest desire of what you wish to create?
What is that hidden dream, the action or the experience, the situation, the energy that you feel would assist you most greatly, right now, in the fulfillment of your sacred mission and purpose?
What is it that you feel would make you believe, would equip you to complete this journey right now?
And go deeper.
And if you think it’s something tangible like money, financial support, better health, better home or living circumstance, peel it a little deeper, come with me and do that.
What do those physical things which you are fully entitled to receive, but what’s contained inside that request?
Is it the sense of being Loved and cared about, of being safe, of being free?
Don’t judge it, just allow whatever it is to just come on up so that you have the fullness of the picture.
Now allow yourself, with that knowing of what you desire to create and to attract to yourself in this very moment, to be fully aware and awake in your heart and Love it.
And invoke with me the Law of Attraction.
In this case we are giant magnets and we are pulling across the Universe that which we desire.
If it was not already in form, in existence, you would not desire it.
So feel yourself expanding Now out into your various bodies, your mental, your emotional, your causal, into the fullness of your field, out as far as your Solomon Seal, and feel how large you are and at the same time see that you are part of this wonderful golden grid, that you are a butterfly on the golden grid.
And feel this expanded self, take your right hand as if it is a giant magnet, and reach out where you see what you are asking for on the grid and simply reach out and begin to pull it towards yourself.
See it moving and it doesn’t matter whether it is a partner or a sense of well being or balance or new car, pull it into you.
Now take that hand and bring it into your heart where all energy, all creation is anchored.
And set the timer as it were, the Universal timer, that this sensation of pulling, of magnetizing across the grid into your hand, into your heart will not cease until it is completed.
And rest in the knowing that it will be completed and give thanks, knowing it is already done, the delivery’s on the way, and that you can come back here every day and check and pull some more, attracting and using the Law of Attraction.
And rest.
For the Heavenly Blessings radio show
Law of Attraction & Repulsion transcript
continue here.
Also, Kathleen shares Universal Laws
on Wednesdays by donation on Zoom.
See the top of this blog, Golden Age of Gaia,
on the day, Wednesday, for the Zoom link.