(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
Readers here know that I’ve studied life after death and had many interdimensional spiritual experiences, and so I see life as very much larger than we usually entertain a discussion of.
You know that I left university rather than forego studying what didn’t fit into the university’s empirical-materialist paradigm.
So I’m not about to exclude the larger picture from what I say here.
There are extraterrestrial civilizations assisting us to make a leap in consciousness that will leave those committed to darkness behind. “Leap” in evolutionary terms. To us it seems gradual.
These same forces will not permit nuclear bombs to be exploded in space (most nuclear bombs are air-delivered). (1) These weapons cause harm in other dimensions. So all talk about nuclear capabilities is mere posturing, again to raise fear in the public.
Our present world government (the United Nations) appears implicated in the pandemic and vaccines, which says that they’re part of the Illuminati, to use the most general term for them (cabal, deep state, New World Order, etc.).
Government itself in so many states and nations seems corrupt. Since the CIA owns the media, none of this corruption is exposed and those who try to do so are called “conspiracy theorists.” (2)
The news itself has been owned by the CIA since the last century, as a result of Operation Mockingbird.
In that environment, nothing of the real truth appears to leak out. Only the lurid details of the lives of Hollywood celebrities and royalty, politicians and athletes.
Meme warfare is part of divide and conquer. Divide and conquer is achieved by problem/reaction/solution.
This is the playbook of the people who would rule the planet through world government.
I’m not speaking about any of that when I use the word “world government.”
I foresee a not-too-distant future in which those who wish to do evil will feel as if they’re walking through molasses while those who wish to spread love and kindness will feel themselves liberated to do just that – and facilitated and enabled in every respect.
Most people here know about NESARA/GESARA, the Reval, Tesla free energy, replicators, med beds, oh my gosh, what else?
G/NESARA is an acronym for the Global/National Economic Security and Reformation Act which mandates a new economy, debt free, in which all the resources of the globe, to put it in its simplest form, are redistributed equally.
It mandates an economy that is run on compassion, fairness, and other aspects of love. It mandates financial oversight that is incorruptible and universal. It mandates governments that are corruption free and it has the oversight technology (Quantum Financial System) to ensure it.
It kicks off with a Revaluation of Currencies which creates a level playing field. It also creates a pool of humanitarian lightworker philanthropists committed to projects that will uplift the world.
NESARA will see that people are financially freed from the need to work. They’ll work if they wish to.
Labor-saving devices will greatly reduce the amount of work to be done. Replicators are an example of that. Dematerializing garbage is another.
If we can ask a replicator for what we want, of what use is a grocery store? If we can dematerialize what’s no longer needed, pollution disappears. If sickness disappears, hospitals per se disappear. A flood of new technologies is waiting to be released once the deep state makes its exit.
Work exists to address what’s not working. We work because the material environment of our bodies and world require us to. We need food to live, a home to shelter in, etc. If we have a replicator to produce the food and ample money to build a house, where is the need for work?
I imagine we’ll see the advent of technology from other civilizations that will address the work of building a house. 3D printing is just a foretaste of that.
Where there’s less work to do, there’s more opportunity for personal discovery and expression.
People will be able to get on with the purpose of life, which is to know who we truly are, by whatever path or faith we choose.
I mentioned that I studied the afterlife. This is how conditions are in the afterlife.
In the next phase of Earth’s existence, world government is something I don’t think we’ll be able to avoid. What really needs to be discussed is what form it’ll take.
That discussion needs to proceed without descending into meme warfare.
In the afterlife and on most dimensions I’ve heard anything about, government is by council. It’s conciliar.
All our channeled messages from galactic sources speak of the Pleiadian High Council, Arcturian High Council, Earth High Council, etc. Yes, we already have a High Council on the higher planes.
With that as a starting point, however, let me throw the discussion open.
If you agree that world government is inevitable following the collapse of the Illuminati, what form of government do you think it should take? (3)
(1) The Alliance has shown recently that it has the ability to track down suitcase nukes. I imagine our star family assists them.
(2) You can call me whatever you want, but I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I’m a citizen journalist investigating criminality.
(3) I’m hoping to start a global discussion in blogs, rather than a flurry of emails. You don’t have a blog? Well, wwwhhhyyyy not?