Thank you to everyone who attended the Universal Law of Unification, Unity class!
Joining the circle on the day, and/or viewing the recording later, our energy goes out into the Collective.
In unification we are remembrance that All are Loved equally, that we are releasing all separation anxiety and ascending as One, knowing our heart, thoughts, actions, position affects the totality.
Much gratitude to everyone.
Here’s the recording:
Topic: Universal Law Wednesdays
The Law of Unification, Unity
Meeting Recording:
Heavenly Blessings: Sanat Kumara
on the Universal Law of Unification, Unity with Audio
An Hour With An Angel Radio Show:
Archangel Michael on Core Vasanas with Audio
How to Release False Grids with AAM
to Help Us Be the Law of Unification, Unity
The beliefs not of love are based in experience of rejection, isolation, heartbreak — a limitation factor of fear.
It is recommended we lie down on our bed – and the reason we lie down is because we want to be able to feel the sensation of this false grid that is lying over us — and it will be different for each grid or each belief.
Using the example of being in fear of belonging to a group, because that group energy has harmed us or hurt us, and in some cases broken and killed us, we only want to feel this but for a moment.
We do not need to relive the traumas involved. That is not part of this. That is old energy and no longer needs to apply.
So we simply feel the weight of the grid; for some of us it will be like barbed wire or iron bars or a velvet ribbon.
Then we simply ask Archangel Michael to remove it.
Know it’s possible with Love,
anchor in self-worth (gratitude to self),
and ask AAM.
He will lift it off, dissolve it into sheer energy, so we let it go (forgive everything and create peace).
This takes will and persistence, and to do this several times, if necessary.
The second part of this Unification Law – Michael takes care of the dissolution – the second part is when we have gotten up, when we have worked through the completion (and we may have to do this several times because this is a very big issue for many people) we can test drive the release by putting our selves in a group that is of interest, helping create the unifying factor on planet.
In the higher realms we create in circles; in groups — As Above So Below — we create our Heaven on Earth.
Heavenly Blessings: Galea of Neptune
on Avenues of Communication with Audio
Galea of Neptune: “Our entreaty to each of you as teachers, as healers, as wayshowers, as pathfinders, as guardians, as gatekeepers, as pillars, is that you are the role models.
“You are setting the new paradigm of true communication upon this planet – and of course it is communication that is based in Love.
“Because the most important facet of genuine communication is the realization in every word, every conversation, every interaction, it is as if – because you are – speaking with the Mother.
“You are speaking on behalf of the Mother; the Mother is speaking to you and through you.”
From the Law of Unification, Unity:
the Darkness Helps us Delineate
The darkness helps us delineate
our choice to be in alignment with the Love.
It is a question of:
“Does this element of shadow
help me be in better alignment,
clearer alignment with Love?”
“Or not?”
So the judgment factor that this is good and this is bad
— this is light this is dark, this is good this is evil —
is gone because we as evolved beings
no longer need that juxtaposition of good and evil.
We have eliminated, left behind,
what we in our 3rd-dimensional old way,
came to define as darkness.